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Morgan and Spencer step out of the room, Morgan calls hotch, "hey hotch..we talked to the girl, she still says she didn't kill those girls. But she won't tell us where she was at at the time of the murder" hotch waits a second to answer "do whatever you have to do to get her to talk, we need evidence that she didn't do it, or we need a confession" Spencer looks back in the window "Morgan" Morgan looks in the room and sees amber out of the handcuffs and she's attacking the guard, they run in and pull her off and pin her to the wall, Morgan grabs one of her wrist and Spencer grabs the other, amber starts laughing as they carry her back to her cell, they put her in her cell and step back, she sits on the floor with her legs crossed, staring up at Morgan and Spencer, they turn to each other and turn back to her, she slowly stands up and wraps her hands around the bars, "let. Me. Out." She growls, Morgan looks over at her "not gonna happen sweetheart" she groans and punches the steel bars with her fist and her hand starts to bleed, she didn't care and just lets her hand hang down, dripping blood on the floor, he turns back to Spencer "I think she suffers from extreme mood swings....if she so much thinks of something that could make her mad, sad, happy or suicidal...that becomes her mood" Morgan nods, he walks up to her cell "tell me about your family amber" amber steps back and stares down at the floor, "tell me about your family" he pushes, amber whispers "no" they hear her voice crack as she tries to hold in her tears, "where's your mother amber?" He steps closer, amber steps back, still strong at the floor, "dead" Morgan nods "your fathe-" amber shoots her head up and punches one of the bars close to Morgan, "my farther is a selfish alcoholic bastard!" Amber snaps, Spencer looks over at Morgan "where is your father?" Amber tightens her hand around the bars  "probably celebrating that I'm in jail" Morgan nods

"Why would your father be happy?" Amber scoffs "because he never cared about me, ever since my mother died he never gave a shit about me" ambers eyes start to tear up, Spencer nods "so you have any siblings?" Amber hesitated then answered "no...I'm an only child" Morgan and Spencer leave the room, "we're not any closer to figuring this out" Morgan gets a call on his phone

Phone call

"Hey hotch..why do you got?"

"Me and Elle found out that amber has a step brother....Mason miller, he lives only 45 minuets form the prison"

" and Spencer will go and pay him a visit"
End of phone call

Me and Spencer get to ambers brothers house and I knock on the door, we don't get a response, then the door swings open, a tall man with dark brown hair and a white tank top on walks out "can I help you?" Me and Spencer both show him our badges "are you Mason miller?" He nods slowly "yea...what's the problem?" "We need to talk to you about your step sister....amber grey" Mason sighs and lets us in, we sit on the couch and he sits across form us "so what can you tell us about your stepsister" "amber was the nicest girl I ever met....until her mother died, she became rude and rough, she would get in fights and run away and wouldn't come back home for days at a time" I nod "was her father abusive?" Mason waits a second and then nods slowly "yea....jerry was very abusive, he was a raging alcoholic and he would beat her, leave bruises, so she would come over to my house and I let her take my bed and I slept on the couch" Spencer looks at Morgan, "what happened to her mother?" Mason closes his eyes "she was murdered when amber was 13, she got shot while walking home from school with amber, amber witnessed the whole thing" Morgan look at Spencer and whispers, "she witnessed a death at a young age, that messes people up, trauma. it makes killers"

"Why don't you go and visit your stepsister...she seems....unstable" Mason tilts his head and looks at us confused "unstable?.....she's dead" Morgan and Spencer stare at him confused "amber grey is alive and in the United States Penitentiary about 45 minuets from here" Mason's eyes widen "no...that can't be, jerry told me that she got gunned down by the police after she murdered those girls" Morgan shakes his head "ambers father lied to you...she's alive" Mason jumps up and grabs his jacket "I'm going to see her....oh god" he stops for a second "I haven't seen her in 7 years, she must think I hate her"
We get to the penitentiary and we walk through the front door Mason rushes in front of us to the big set of doors, I swipe my badge and the door swings open, Mason freezes as he sees the young girl sitting with her back to him, he looks around at the cage and the guards, he stares at amber and his breathing speeds up, "amber?"

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