The beginning

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Fire was around Alex, almost consuming him. 

Then he saw him, his enemy a warrior in blue and black armor. 

He stood there taunting him, they were in a fighting arena and Alex with his armor covered in red blazing fire, but it wasn't hurting him. 

He looked at his foe and almost in agreement they charged each other and threw a punch.



He awoke to a loud "Thud", he turned his head to see a boy on the floor clutching his gut in pain, then looks at him enraged

"Dude what's your problem?!" he yelled

"Jack? Why are you on the floor?" said Alex

"You hit me! ... and in your sleep too" explained Jack. He reached out his hand to help Jack up, Jack grabbed his hand and lifted himself up.

"Alex my friend need to stop hitting your friends in your sleep" said Jack

"Okay, I'll try" said Alex as they exited Their room. They strapped on their uniforms and headed out to training. On there way to their training academy they had stopped for breakfast at a coffee shop, As usual Alex was putting hot sauce in his coffee. 

"Why do you put hot sauce in your coffee?, it's already hot" said Jack

" I don't know, I just like a little extra heat with the stuff I eat" explained Alex

"You are weird"

"I know"




Hours later...

*pant* *pant*

The heat was beating down on them, causing many of them to fall unconscious or out of exhaustion. And that has only the first half of the training. "Dude, Jack stand up" whispered Alex

"I can't dude, it's too much"

"Remember it's the beginning of training"

"Awww, come on!".

Some more Hours later during the last few minuets of training...

For hours in the sun it felt like the sun was intentionally beating down on them. As they headed inside the trainees were given a glass of water and heated bread.

 Then the speaker boomed "Would all elite trainees come to the main office!". 

Both Alex and Jack looked up, Jack picked up his backpack and Alex closed his book and left. It was them and several others went to the main office. The elites strolled through the corridor the ranked officers had their arm behind their back almost hiding something. 

The elites grew closer the officers presented the mysterious objects behind their backs and Alex knew what the objects were. New armor key cards. But there was only four sets of armor cases there.

 'Are they gonna make us fight over the armor' thought Alex. "Only four of you have passed your final test gracefully, and those four will get the suits of armor in front of you" said Alex and Jack's teacher. "Each case has the symbol of our divided nation and only four of you have earned them, but the one with the highest score will get first pick of armor" said officer Steel as he looked at a clipboard, every elite were biting their nails. 

 "And the elite with the highest score is ... Alex Clamor!" Everyone turned and looked at Alex with surprise and admiration and their hands sprang into clapping, Jack slapping him on the back. As Alex walked walked forward towards Officer Steel, Steel explained "Just pick the one you're most comfortable with and take 'em!".

Alex looked at the sets of armor before him, each bearing the element of each country; Water, Wind, Earth, and Fire. (A little Naruto reference, I don't own Naruto, I don't know the creator, sorry)

He looked at the armor cases for a while, but came to a stop.




He had moved his hand




He had chosen his armor




He had chosen





________________________________________________________________________________How was that?

I was working on that story for a while

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2019 ⏰

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