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"Kei, are you okay?" Takaki shouted in a quiet room where only his lover and manager-san were inside.

Takaki kept asking and shaking the other party who was lying on the bed wether he was fine or not. He's scared, he thought of the worst possibility he hadn't thought of before.

"Takaki-san, please calm down. Inoo-san just wants to rest. He was exhausted that he couldn't endure the pain anymore." The manager calmed Takaki down.

"What the doctor said?"

"He had a fever, the temperature rose drastically. Probably, tomorrow he will become better, but he still needs rest."

"I hope he's alright, it's all my fault." Takaki ruffled his hair, frustrated.

"No, it's nobody's fault, Takaki-san. Don't blame yourself"

"If only I prevented it, if only I could take care of him, maybe this wouldn't happen."



"Good morning, Yuuya." Inoo kissed the other party's cheek who still stretched his body after waking up

"Good morning, Kei" he smiled brightly

"I've made a breakfast for us. Get ready quickly, I'll wait for you in the dining table"

"Can we do this here, I still miss you."

Takaki who was still lying lazily on the bed pulled Inoo's hand until he fell in his arms

"Oh c'mon yuuya, I don't have much time, don't tease me."

"Wait, are you okay, Kei? Looks like you are sick. " Takaki was worried after touching inoo's body on his arms.

"Only fever, not severe illness. "

"If you are sick, ask the manager to delay your filming's schedule. I don't want your pain to get worse."

Inoo pulled his body up to its usual position, showing Takaki that he was fine.

"Look, I'm fine Yuuya. I've also taken medicine, later on the way to the filming location, I'll put myself to sleep and after waking up I will be healthy again."

"Are you sure?"

"100%! Okay, enough. I have prepared clothes for you on the desk next to the cupboard."

"Haik haik."

Inoo came out of their room to the dining table to prepare their special breakfast. Every morning, he always took the time to prepare breakfast for both of them. And don't forget the cute lunch bento for Takaki, onigiri and octopus.

"Why is my head suddenly getting sicker? I can't get sick, I can't add to his burden. I can't." Inoo gripped his head hoping that the pain would disappear.

A moment later Takaki came down from the stairs, seeing the sudden Inoo in pain made him panic.

"Hey, are you really okay, honey? You look so pale. Let's go to the doctor!" Takaki ran towards his lover who looked in pain, holding his shaking shoulders.

"No, Yuuya. Not now. I have to finish my inoshira filming today, I don't want to bother the staff and others, including you. You also have filming, right?"

"Oh God, why are you so stubborn, Kei. This is all for your good."

"Please Yuuya, I beg you. Later, after my shoot is over, I promise to go to the doctor with you. You will pick me up, won't you?"

Under The Sun - Sick [One Shot]Where stories live. Discover now