The Ghost Story

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Northwest Mansion in New York

Garret: So, the Northwest Mansion is the only 19th century home in New York City preserved both inside and out. At the time of its construction, it was one of the most elegant homes in existence, featuring every luxury including a face bidet and an anti-Irish security fence. (Shows everyone a dining room) Uh, over here, you can imagine Sir Northwest  entertaining his wealthy guests. It's said that, in this very room, P.T. Barnum first had the idea to enslave elephants. And if you'll follow me...Now, I'm gonna tell you something a little spooky. On the morning of October 25th, 1894, Sir Northwesr awoke, furious, when his breakfast was not waiting for him. So he called to his servants, but none of them responded. Why? Because, during the night, one by one, they had each been stabbed to death in their sleep. It was later discovered they were murdered by his eldest son, Indiana Northwest. (Shows them a portrait of Indiana) Sir Northwest  once wrote in his diary, "I know God makes no mistakes, "but I believe he may have been drunk when he built Indiana's personality." Now, to spare the family public humiliation, instead of turning him in to the police, they locked him in this basement. And they fed him... through this slot. (He opens a slot) Years later, when a new owner moved in,they dug out his remains. But, after repeatedly hearing strange sounds, he sealed it shut. That's right. No one has opened this door since then.

(A candlestick falls from a table)

Garret: Okay. Follow me. Maybe steer clear of the door. (They walk around the door)

(A close-up on the candlestick shows a strange device below the table. Later, as everyone is gone, Garret looks at the handle below the candlestick that makes it fall by itself. He then walks by the basement door, whose doorknob and locks are creaking. When it makes a sudden move as a scream is heard, he rushes to the front door – and the doorknob suddenly heats, making Garrett burn his hand as he tries to open. An unseen force then pushes the tour guide towards the wall. A scared Garret then goes to the living room, and grabs a bench)

Garret: Sorry, Sir Northwest. I got to get out of here!

(He tries throwing the bench into the window... only for it to stop in mid-air and hurl itself back at him. Screams are still heard when Garret decides to take the first opened door he sees... and finds himself in the basement. There, green goo appears with a distinctive glow)

Garret: Oh, Garret, you idiot.

(A knocking noise is heard...)

Garret: No... (The goo envelops his hands) No. (He tries to run the stairs back, but they collapse as he does so. A blue entity starts approaching him)...No!No!No! No! No!No!

(Outside the Northwest Mansion, a light flashes. Then we see the title: MYSTERY KIDS over shots of New York, before closing in on a Community College where we see a teenage Dipper Pines)

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