F I R S T O N E - S H O T

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Hope stormed into Lizzie’s room.

“Are you kidding me Lizzie? I can’t believe you sabotaged Josie’s spot at the pageant! And for what?? For me?”

Lizzie was caught completely off guard when Hope walked in.

“Hope, Hope I can explain it’s not like that, I didn’t” She started saying but Hope interrupted her

“you didn’t even do it for me, you did it for yourself. So you could feel less insecure about Josie being better than you and basically every aspect of your life, right?” Hope interrupted.

Lizzie didn’t say anything so Hope sat down. “I’m not just your pawn to feed your narcissism, Lizzie” Hope said, knowing exactly what to say to hurt Lizzie.

In response, Lizzie said “Hope, please just-it’s not like that you’re not just a pawn to me-” But Hope interrupted her again, “you’re crazy, Elizabeth Saltzman.” Hope scoffed.

Lizzie didn’t say anything. Hope was the only person who believed she was sane, the only thing from keeping her from having another breakdown. Hope saw how her words pierced through Lizzie’s heart by the gloss in her eyes.

“Wait Lizzie I didn’t mean-” Hope immediately regretted her words.

“I think you should leave” Lizzie said, her voice cracking as she pointed to the door.

“No Lizzie Wait, please listen to me, I didn’t mean it” Hope was trying to spit out her words as quickly as possible but Lizzie pulled her up and shoved her out the door despite Hope’s protests and Lizzie slammed the door. Both of them put their backs against the opposite sides of the door and slid to the ground.

“I did it for you Hope. I wanted you to win for once. After you’ve lost so much, I wanted you to win. That’s why I gave you your dad’s dress, so you could have a part of him to hold onto after Josie burned the painting.” Lizzie choked out, knowing Hope was still there on the other side. “But I guess it really was my subconscious just wanting to get back at my superior twin.” Lizzie added.

“Lizzie,” Hope said. That was all she could say.

“I know. I’m crazy.”

“You’re not crazy. I just lashed out. And, you have a good heart. I promise. And you’re also not the inferior twin. And I didn’t know that’s why you gave me the dress” Hope said, sliding as much of her hand under the door as she could and touches Lizzie’s, whose hand was also under the door.

“Can you let me in?” Hope asked. Lizzie pulled her hand away and opened the door with tears on her cheeks that Hope wipes off with her thumb.

“I’m sorry I said all those things” she said and hugged Lizzie. “I didn’t know why you did all this for me, and it’s really difficult for me to understand why people would choose to care about me like you do, so I just blamed my insecurities on you.” She said then pulled back. Lizzie got really nervous but QUICKLY kissed Hope and said “you are forgiven” then turned away and started walking to her bed when Hope went after her and spun her around.

“Why so quick to leave?” She asked.

“You wanted me to stay?” Lizzie asked.

“If it means your lips touching mine. Then yes” Hope said then kissed Lizzie.

Lizzie pulled back, “Wait” she said then shut the door and locked it then kissed Hope pAsSiOnAtElY.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2019 ⏰

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