My First Love @joprbooks

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Love in my opinion is such a debatable word ,don't you agree ? Look at it this way , how can you define love , I mean just not express but define it , with specification and technicality, as you would with any other word . Okay , let's not dwell on it , we are here for different purpose , aren't we ? Our society had a particular notion for love, that is affection between two people , yeah we are now going to discuss my share of this "notion".

It was summer , six years back from now . I was an school student then , oh how I miss those childish days ! We both were in 8th standard back then . He was my classmate and acquaintance , I would have said that we were friends but that would not be the whole truth . We came to class , we attended class but there were only a few times that words were exchanged between us , so yeah ..acquaintance.   Anyway , he was an smart student ... and so was I . There was a particular teacher who took liking to us both  , yes , I am getting to the point why this was worth mentioning . So our Social Science teacher liked us both and used to ask questions only to me and to him . We would have to work together through different assignments and may be that is how I took a liking towards him . I am not entirely sure how it happened actually , I know that we were classmates from 6th standard , for two years and his best friend and I use to hang together , we were always with each other , his best mate and I but he never made an appearance in our talks.

In  8th standard , you know how it is , puberty and all , with crushes and boys and stuff . So , what happened was that we , I mean me and my friends were discussing .. gossiping , about what is up in our class these days and suddenly one of my friend mentions that he , he have a crush on me . I was confused and was like what are you talking about . Then comes her explanation , wait for it ...

"He have a crush on you ! "

"What are you talking about ? "

"What , you don't know ! "

"Obviously"  hmm , I always was sarcastic ... uh continue .

"You know he keeps looking at you "

"Like yeah"  cough sarcasm cough , as she mentions that "he keeps looking at you " , I turn towards his desk and their he is , looking all dreamy and his eyes glazed , while he looks at me . I was surprised beyond words.

"No way , he is looking at her .. not me " I "discreetly" gesture towards a girl sitting on a desk , somewhat in between me and him . I may be , somewhat knew that he was looking at me but I did not want to acknowledge that , I have no idea why .

" Believe what you want , but I know for a fact that he is looking at you "  and then the discussion continues on .

After that day , I always found myself sneaking glances towards his desk and was always shocked to found him staring at me. Even when I caught him red -handed always looking at me,  he never made a move to look away..  I think this was the point I started having crush on him.  I would glance at him and I would always find him staring at me... and I would blush.  This continued for some time.. months maybe or maybe the whole year, I can't be sure.. it has been years of course.There were rumours that he had crush,  not on me but on some other girl, I just had the intuition that it was false, may be locking eyes with him every other second had something to do with it. Neither of us ever made the effort to acknowledge our '' crush '' to other and the next year I shifted to another city.  It was the end of my crush on him... may be. 

After 2 years,  I came back to that city,  not to that particular school but in the city.  I use to attend one of those coaching classes for my high school and one of those days I saw him.  I saw him in my tuition centre,  we were to attend same class.  We came to class and we attended the class but no glances were exchanged this time.  Next day I came to knew that he changed his tution and he was no longer attending the same one as I was.  I missed him and then I moved on for him.  My friends used to mention him in our talks for he was their classmate but I ignored it .. I had moved on...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2014 ⏰

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