the party

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i stepped into the wholesome party where it was dark with purple laser lights shooting everywhere. Some brunette girl drunkily wobbled over to be rubbing off my body, i pushed her away and walked over to my friends Blake and Cameron. Another girl but with blue hair jumped on my back and i just knocked her off. "Bro, why're you turning down all these girls?" Cameron asked me. "I don't like hoes or meaningless sex" i responded uncaringly. Suddenly i smelt a familiar flowery scent and a cold, skinny body slide under my arm. I looked down to see my best friend, Ashley, hugging me. I hugged her back, happy to see her after not seeing her for 3 months. "Wanna stay the night tonight?" she asked "My parents are camping." i thought about it for a few minutes and decided to go.

Ashley and JacobWhere stories live. Discover now