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Today was the worst day of my life. Its been a month since we left Forks and nothing has been the same. Alice told me it was time for me to leave, so I decided to head down to Texas to visit my brother, Peter, and his wife, Char.

"Major it's been a while. Where is that wife of yours?" Peter asks when I show up.

"Called for a divorce. Tried taking a bite out of her best friend and the person I considered my sister. Where is Char?"

"Showin' our guest around. You may remember him although you may have fuzzy memories."

We walk into the house to see Char talking to a man who had his back to us. I look at Peter for a name and he shakes his head. Char waves when she sees me and I smile towards her.

"Well, well, well, would you look who is very much alive and very much a sparkly vampire. If it isn't Mr. Major Jasper Whitlock," the man says turning around.

"Damon Salvatore? How? Sparkly vampire? Peter?" I look at the three of them in confusion.

"Yes. I was changed into an original vampire. I'll tell you my story later. Yes, sparkly vampire because you sparkle in the sun. I've known Peter for several years now. He helped me track down my idiot of a brother."

"Well, I can definitely say it's been a while. So what are we doing?"

"You two will be going to Mystic Falls. You need to pick up two people."

"Let me guess one of them is my brother?"

"Yes, one of them is Stefan. The other will be important to you Jasper. When you get done there you need to head back to Forks. Something is going to happen and you both need to be there."

"When do we leave Mr. Cryptic ass?" Damon asks looking at Peter.

"You guys leave tomorrow morning. Major, do you need to hunt?"

"I do, but I'll do that tonight. Right now I just want to catch up with you guys," I say.

Bella(At the same time)

Its been a month since they left and I don't know what to do. I'm in zombie mode not really putting forth any effort for emotions. I went to school, came home, cooked dinner, or if I had to I would go to work. After dinner I go straight to my room and sit in my rocking chair. He used to sit there and I felt like he was still here when I sat in the chair. If I fell asleep it wouldn't be for long; not unless I had meds. I would wake up screaming waking my dad in the process.

Speaking of my dad, I could tell he was getting very fed up with my attitude. He's worried I'll try doing something and in the state of mind I'm in it wouldn't shock me. I've stayed home in order to avoid it. Today was no different. I went to school, came home, did my school work, made dinner, and went to my room.

Japser(a week later)

Today Damon, Stefan, Caroline(Stefan's girlfriend), and I were heading back to Forks. Damon talking crap the entire time. Stefan rolls his eyes and looks at Caroline with a frown.

"Stefan, is everything okay?" I ask looking back at him.

"The person we're visiting is human, right?"

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