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  I can't help but imagine just you and I laying in the soft grass with the stars shining so brightly above our heads. Just us, in the middle of nowhere, only care about the stars and the person lying next to them. With this image in my head, I can't help but wonder so many things. Like, would we be holding hands, or would they just be by our sides? Or would you look over at me and hold me under the stars with your freckled hands? But I can dream of what might happen.

  After I enthused to you about how much I loved the night sky, you had an idea. With a twinkle in your pale blue eyes, you wrote down the idea, just so you wouldn't forget. Then you set your plan in motion. 

  You first, make an excuse up so that we can hang out together. Then you'd tell me that you wanted to show me something and insist that I wear a blindfold. After driving for a bit and having the sun go down and the stars all shining in the skies, you finally stop the car and have us make our way to the middle of an empty field. We stop and you finally take off my blindfold. With me being a little confused at first as to why you brought me to the middle of nowhere, you simply point up to tell me the reason. 

  I would stare in awe at the stars before looking back down at you. You'd take my hand and lead me to lay down on the ground next to you. With a smile, I would gladly follow. 

  After watching the stars for a while, you'd squeeze my hand and point to a shooting star. Then you'd whisper to me "make a wish."

  I would do as I was told and make a wish, but of course, keep it to myself. Then I'd look over to you and just see you staring at me. I would start to feel the blood rush to my face and become speechless.

  When I wouldn't be able to say anything, you would, "You are more beautiful than the night sky."

  I still wouldn't know how to respond, so I would just continue staring. Eventually, you would get a hint and pull me close. I would look up at you and see you gazing back down at me with a smile on your face. 

  In a moments notice, our lips would grace each other's but only stay there for a second. But after I would realize that the gift of the contact would be so wonderous, I place my lips on yours. 

 And we kiss

La Fin  

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