Sing Me To Sleep

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Authors note: Ok so I wrote this whilst I was feeling extra emo after drinking far too much Guinness (Happy St Patricks Day to my Irish brethren) so it might not be up to my usual standards - don't drink and fan fic people. Enjoy!

The clock in the hallway of Shane's huge house was striking three in the morning by the time Andrew finally made his way to bed. His brain felt like it was only running on five percent battery and he was practically dragging his body up the stairs. So far he'd been at Shane's for two weeks straight; he was supposed to have the weekends off but there was always something that needed adding or tweaking and Andrew felt that he hadn't slept properly in months. Without even bothering to take his clothes off Andrew crawled into bed and pulled the blankets all the way up to his chin and shut his eyes; almost crying with frustration when half an hour later he'd still failed to fall asleep. Letting out a cry of frustration Andrew pulled the blankets up all the way over his head and tried to force himself to sleep. Ten minutes later and still awake he rolled over and looked miserably at the big, blank empty space in the bed next to him. What Andrew wanted more than anything else right now was just a simple hug from his boyfriend. He hadn't seen Garrett in almost three weeks and had only been able to speak to him sporadically in all the time he'd been here. Typically, Garrett hadn't said anything but Andrew could hear the disappointment in his voice when Andrew called him time after time to tell him he wouldn't be coming home.

After ten more minutes of laying there and trying to will himself to fall asleep, Andrew had had enough and he threw the blanket off. Stress and tiredness were eating away at him and he found he couldn't stand being here for even one more minute. Just for one night, Andrew wanted to sleep in his own bed, with his own things around him and Garrett snuggled in next to him.

After ordering an Uber Andrew slipped quietly out of the house, and it was only until he was shivering with cold at the end of the driveway that he realised he'd forgotten to put his shoes on. His ride would be here any minute so he didn't bother going back in for them and jumped straight in the car when it arrived. Despite the late hour, he knew that Garrett would still be awake and Andrew spent the hours drive anxiously fiddling with the elastic band on his wrist; he just wanted to get home.

As predicted the lights were on when he finally pulled up outside Garrett's tiny apartment and Andrew practically sprinted up the gravel track. There was noise from a computer game drifting out of the window and Andrew desperately banged on the door; frantic that Garrett wouldn't hear him over the noise. He needn't have worried though because less than two seconds later Garrett was pulling open the door, the surprise at seeing Andrew evident on his face.

"Andrew?!" Garrett began but Andrew just couldn't hold it in any longer and as soon as he saw Garrett, he burst into floods of tears.

"Andrew?! What are you doing here?" Garrett said as he threw down his controller and ran over towards him, "What's wrong?"

With tears streaming down his face Andrew tried to explain about how exhausted he was, how much he'd missed Garrett and that what he wanted more than anything was to just get some sleep but all that came out was an odd choking sound. Tears were still spilling down his cheeks but then Garrett's big, strong safe arms were wrapping around him Andrew found himself being pulled into a tight warm hug.

"Shhh," Garrett told him softly as he rubbed Andrews back soothingly, "It's all right; I've got you."

Garrett felt warm and safe and Andrew found himself sobbing uncontrollably on his shoulder; his arms wrapped tightly around his boyfriend's neck. Exhaustion hit him again and Andrew was vaguely aware that Garrett was now half holding him up as well as trying to calm him down. After a while, Andrew had finally calmed down enough to get a few, legible words out.

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