Chapter 1

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Ella’s POV:

My alarm woke me from my peaceful slumber. Ugh, Monday. I groaned and rolled over to face my alarm clock. 6AM. Nobody should have to wake up at 6 in the bloody morning. I grumble as I swing my legs out of bed and carry myself into the bathroom to shower. 

I guess this would be a good time to introduce myself. First off, I am not a morning person, but then, it doesn’t take a genius to figure that out. My name is Ella Blyton. I’m 16 years old; I have wavy light blue hair that falls just past my shoulders and grey-blue eyes. I live in Australia with my mum and brother. Haz is 15, yes I have an annoyingly annoying little brother and no, I do not like him much. My dad left us when I was 14, he wasn’t a nice man, but I never talk about it. The memories still haunt me. I’m glad he’s not in our lives anymore. The way he treated mum was terrible, but I had it worse. So this is me, if you don’t like me, bugger off.

By this time I am out of the shower. I put on my lacy black underwear and pull out my favourite pair of blue skinny jeans. I pull on my long sleeved grey nirvana crop top and slide on my black vans. I blow dry my hair and pull it into a messy bun before applying my usual make up. Foundation makes me break out, so I tend to stay away from it. Thankfully my years of having spotty skin have passed, therefore I don’t need foundation anyway. I line my eyelids with black liner and coat my lashes with mascara, making my eyes pop. I put on some clear cherry lip balm before heading for the door. Walking into the kitchen, the smell of pancakes fills the air. I hug mum and she sets my plate on the table. After breakfast I put the dishes in the sink and pack the juice away. Glancing at the clock, I sigh loudly. Time for another boring day of school.

“Hazza, come on or we’ll miss the bus” I yell upstairs before grabbing my bag and heading out the door. I pull out my ear phones and All Time Low blares out of the speakers, causing a smile to stretch across my face. Nothing cheers me up like All Time Low. I feel a tap on my shoulder and look up to see Haz has caught up with me. I smile at him before looking back in front to see us nearing the bus stop. It’s only round the corner from our house, which is convenient, but I’d rather have my own car, life would be so much easier.

I take my seat on the bus as Green Day’s ‘21 Guns’ starts playing. I stare out of the window and listen to the lyrics. We pull up outside of the school as the song draws to an end. Looking around the car park, I see he is already here. God, I hated him so much. He’s the stereotype popular guy; good looking, cocky, selfish, arrogant and takes a different girl home every night. Every girl wants him, well, every girl except me. I don’t see him as anything special, I hate him, and he makes it very clear that he hates me too. I don’t even know why we dislike each other so much, apart from his attitude, but I’m not going to ask him. I only talk to him if I’m coming back at one of his rude and unwanted comments.

I climb up the stairs and through the doors of hell. The halls are empty so I guess I’m late. I climb the stairs up to second floor and am too busy rushing to watch where I’m going. I turn a corner and slam into somebody. I rebound and fall to the floor with an ‘oomph’ my bag spilling and my books scattering everywhere.

“Oh I’m so sorry” the voice says.

“No, it was my fault” I reply to the person who was now helping me pick up my books. We stand up and I finally take a look at the person I just crashed into. I’m pretty sure my jaw hit the ground. A look of shock plasters across his face ,but it’s quickly replaced with disgust. He snarls a nasty comment at me before shoving past me and walking down the hall. It was him. Calum Hood.

I storm off in the other direction to him, pushing my things into my locker and taking out my books for first period. The period I was already late for, and now even later because of him! I slam my locker door forcefully before making my way to Biology. As I walk in I get shouted by Mr Korde. Everybody laughs at me and I hear people whispering about me again. I head to my seat at the back of the room but one of the cheerleaders sticks her foot out, tripping me over. I land on the floor and the room erupts in laughter again. I get up, wiping my tears and glance around the room. One of Calum’s friends is laughing at me. He has green hair and green eyes full of hatred. Great, another thing Calum and his friends can make fun of me for. I feel the tears form in my eyes again but I push them back and stare down at my desk. I should be used to this by now, this is normal.

The lesson’s dragging on painfully slow. I’m watching the clock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. I just need to get out of here. I’m bored out of my mind and confused as hell. Calum was being so nice, until he found out it was me he had ran into. I just don’t know why he hates me so much.

I’m snapped out of my thoughts by the bell ringing. I get up out of my seat and everybody begins to file out of the room.

“Not you, Miss Blyton” he boomed. Ugh, why does my life have to be so shitty?

“You cannot walk into my room 20 MINUTES LATE with no excuse and think that you can get away with it! DETENTION!” he continues, shouting the dreadful and hopefully last word. I sigh loudly, which didn’t do me any favours. It did however, get me an after school detention as well. Yaaay, note the sarcasm.

The bell sounded for the second time today, indicating that school was finished. For everyone else anyway. The detention room is down in the basement, so I make my way down the staircase and walk into the cold room. A few people are scattered around the room, but I take no notice of who’s in here. I make my way to the back and sit myself at the desk in the left hand corner. I look up for the first time in the ten minutes I’ve been here, and scan my surroundings. I feel like someone’s watching me, and I begin to feel self conscious. My eyes swept the room until they landed on him. He was sitting across the room, glaring daggers at me. My jaw clenched and my hands formed fists at my sides.

Somebody kill me now.. 


My first story on wattpad so i'm sorry for any mistakes

It will get better later on in the book so bear with me 

chloe x

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