When did you start caring about me?

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Me and Gideon go to the prison and the rest go to the police station, I sit in the questioning room with her, "do you know anywhere your father would go to be alone?" I ask and she thinks "I'm not sure" then her eyes widen "wait....we have a cabin up in the woods, not far from his house, the number is 155" we both nods and get up and run to the cars, "may need backup at 155 in the woods, I'll call in If anything goes wrong"

We face to the house and I run up to the door with Gideon by my side "FBI open up!" I hear shuffling behind the door and kick the door open, I push jerry against the wall, Gideon checks the rooms "Morgan?" I turn and see a blood tube, I turn to jerry "Who's blood is it?" He laughs "the brat you keep asking me about" I push him father to the wall and he groans, I put him in the back of the car and lock the door, I walk back in and find all the blood tubes and i put them in the car, I look around and see papers everywhere, a bunch of beer bottles and a bunch of newspapers about ambers arrest, "this guy is crazy"

Amber pov

I sit in my cell waiting for Morgan to get back, "god, he's so hot, and I don't know why he cares about me so much, he just met me, and I'm in jail, I didn't think police officers were supposed to like criminals?" I rant on to one of the ladies guarding my cell, she doesn't respond, I lay in the middle of my cell on my back, I hear the door come open and I smile, "hey Morgan-" I get up and see police officers coming into my room, they unlock the door and grab me by the arms "what are you doing?!" I yell, the police officer in front of me talks "amber grey...you have just been admitted for death row" my eyes grow wide "what?!...no?!" I try and get out of there grip but they hold on tighter, "no!...let me go!!"

Police station

"It was Ambers dad that sent the note...he even admitted that it was written in Ambers blood" I tell the rest of them, Spencer examines the note again "I feel like he is the reason she's in jail" I nod my head "I need to go ask her about her dad"

I get to the prison and as I'm walking to her cell room one of the guards stops me "she's not in there" I nod and head to the questioning room and he stops me again "not in there either, I turn to him "where is she?" He looks down a long hallway "they took her to await death row" my eyes widen "what?!" I push past him and run down the hall, as I'm running I pull out my phone and call Gideon "Gideon!" I yell when he picks up "Morgan?...what is it?" "It's amber!.....she's been put on death row!" I hear Spencer gasp over the phone "I'm gonna find her!" I yell and then hang up, I run down the hall and I reach a room where I see amber in a room with a bunch of police officers and guards, I push the door open and hear amber crying, "amber?" She turns around "Morgan....I..I..I'm on death row" she says in a low whisper, "come here" I whisper, she spins around and buries her head in my chest, she starts to cry even harder, she looks up at me

"I have 6 days"

My eyes grow wide "6 days?!" She nods, I hug her even tighter,

"I will get you out of here" I whisper, she nods her head, the door swings open, Spencer runs in "I heard" I look back at him, he sees amber wrapped around me, he takes a deep breath, "I've looked back over the evidence

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"I will get you out of here" I whisper, she nods her head, the door swings open, Spencer runs in "I heard" I look back at him, he sees amber wrapped around me, he takes a deep breath, "I've looked back over the evidence...the blood at the crime scene was out there by Ambers dad, the blood was a week old, he put it there, the only thing we need to do is know what mr.grey had against the victims" I nod and I let go of amber, I tell her I'll be back, I walk away and she grabs my hand, I turn around, she smiles "when did you start caring about me?"

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