1~Shut the fuck up

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Whoever my soulmate is, well, they're so gonna get it.
Honestly. If his(I assume, since i'm gay) first words to me are going to be 'Shut the fuck up', I wonder what he's like.
But these first words were a problem for me. Kids laughed at me and mocked me, I was forced by the teachers to always cover my wrists somehow— it was bothersome.
But y'know, it's whatever.
I wonder what my first words to him will be? Maybe it'll be me teasing him for having stupid hair, or for having some weird obsession with something like— I dunno— aliens. That seems like a reasonable reason for why his first words to me would be shut the fuck up.

Or maybe it's some angry McDonald's worker who i'm pissing off.

Though his last words to me are concerning... and I wonder how i'm going to die. Because by the way it sounds, he'd be with me when I die.
The words are' "Don't go".

Water runs down my small body from my cold shower as I stare at my wrists. I wonder what kind of guy he is. I dunno what I'd want in a guy much, but... Eh. I guess someone fun. Someone I can tease— but most importantly, someone I can love.


"Heyyyyy, Makiroll!"
I bounded down the school hallways towards the brunette, who I could tell was angry at the sound of my voice. I giggled and approached her. She whipped around and glared at me. Wow, scary!
"What do you want, Ouma?"
She asked sharply, I giggled. Maki Harukawa and I were childhood friends. We always fought, but in the end, we were friends— as well as Miu Iruma— but she's a different story.
"Duh! I wanna walk with my bestie on the first day of highschool!"
He exclaimed with a giggle. Maki flicked his forehead. She hated that cutesy language, 'bestie' and stuff.
"Owwww...! Makiroll! Stop bullying me!"
I pouted playfully, earning a scornful glare from Maki. We were interrupted by a vulgar young woman.
"Hey virgins!"
Miu Iruma. She was my other childhood friend, a year older then Maki and I. She came up behind us, and wrapped her arms around our shoulders, her chest pressing against us— though mostly on Maki, who blushed a lot.
Maki and Miu were a couple, even though they weren't soulmates. Maki resented what her wrists said. Her first words she'd hear from her soulmate were, "Watch it." And the last words were, "Shut the hell up and get out."
I see why she didn't want to.
Miu simply didn't like the idea of soulmates. I'd never actually seen her wrists, oddly enough.

"Hey slut."
I retorted sarcastically, tilting my head back and looking at Miu's bright smile. She let go of us with a grin.
"I'm so excited that you bitches are gonna be my underclassmen here! Hey, call me Senpai! Or Miu-sama, whatever works!"
Miu said, putting her hands on her hips.
"Alright, filthy cum-dumpster."
I said casually. To most, our interactions would seemed rude, but they weren't to us. Miu pouted at Maki, waiting for her to say 'Miu-sama' or 'senpai'.
"...Iruma-san, i'm not calling you either of those."
Maki said, blushing. Miu hugged her from behind, and whispered in her ear.
"Why not, Maki-chan?~"
She asked seductively. Maki blushed and pushed Miu off.
I giggled, then noticed Shuichi Saihara watching us. Shuichi was a former classmate of mine. We didn't get along well, as he found my lying nature to be discomforting— but he always seemed so curious about me.
I shrugged, and looked at the two lovebirds.
"Yeah, i'm gonna head to the classroom early. See ya."
I said, now bored with Miu's flirting. I left to my classroom, 1-A. Maki was in 1-B, and so was Shuichi, so I didn't know anyone in my class. I stepped in and sat in the back, watching people come in. The first was a shy looking girl. She had a full figure like Miu, and choppy purple hair. Then, a brunette with braids and round glasses. Then a duo that intrigued me entered. A tall guy with weird spiky purple hair and a stupid goatee, wearing his jacket on his shoulders in a weird way entered. Beside him was a rich looking guy with blonde hair and some classy and simple glasses. Though, they didn't seem to be interacting, so they probably just coincidentally entered together.
A few more boring people came in. I looked over at the glasses girl, and decided to tease her a bit.
"Hey, four-eyes."
I said, and she flinched then looked at me, glaring slightly.
"Wh-What do you want?"
She asked, Ouma hummed in a teasing way.
"Definitely not glasses like those."
I retorted. She shrunk down a bit, still glaring.
"I-I need them t-too see..."
The girl said quietly. I had an idea, and stood up, then walked in front of her desk. She looked up at me, looking nervous and annoyed. I swiped her glasses and put them on. It was blurry as hell.
"W-Wah! Give me th-those!"
She exclaimed, and reached to grab them. I backed up out of her wingspan, and giggled, but my back collided with someone and I toppled over, the glasses falling off my face. The girl swiped them and walked away. I opened my eyes and saw the guy I bumped into.
"Hm? Oh, hey ugly goatee man!"
I exclaimed cheerfully. He had his hand out to help me up, but immediately pulled it back.
"Shut the fuck up!"
He exclaimed angrily.
"It's cool, not ugly!"

I froze, my eyes widening.
Oh my god.
This angry idiot right in front of me.
He was my soulmate.

I think he saw my shock, and cocked an eyebrow, then, he realized something by the looks of it.
The big idiot just stared at me in shock. I stood up myself, using a desk for support. Everyone was staring. Suddenly, he grabbed my wrist. My left wrist. I winced slightly.
"Can I talk to you outside for a moment?"
He asked. I slowly nodded, and we walked outside of the classroom. I stopped, but he didn't, then I realized he meant outside of the building. I curiously followed him until we went outside then... to the back of the school. Was this guy gonna beat me up or something? That's one way to greet your soulmate.
"...So, you're my soulmate...? I expected someone more... umm... female..."
The guy said, and a snorted, giving him an amused grin.
"How do you know i'm not female?"
I asked, and the guy's eyes widened.
"F-For real?! Thank go—"
"Buuuuut, that's a lie~"
I smirked.

"Wh— So now I gotta be gay?!"
He shouted in confusion. I felt my face heat up.
"I mean, soulmates aren't always romantic, they can be platonic—"
"But it's not! Your last words to me are 'I love you'!"
He shouted. My eyes widened, then I smiled.
"Oh? Well, that's interesting. I've never said 'I love you' before! Anyways, I'm Kokichi Ouma!"
I exclaimed cheerfully. The guy was still in shock, but introduced himself.
"...Right... I'm Kaito Momota..."
He said, dumbstruck. I could already tell this guy is gonna be fun.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2019 ⏰

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