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"JT2937, male, blonde of hair with blue eyes, are you present?" A monotone voice rang out.

"Present." A small boy aged 3 sat on a stool replied, he was dressed in a steamed and ironed grey gown with the label sewed on the chest pocket. 

'KX2938, male, brunette of hair with brown eyes, are you present?' It rang out again.

"Present." Another small boy aged 3 also sat on a stool, who also wore a grey gown with a label replied. 

'IM2939, female, brunette of hair with brown eyes, are you present.' It spoke again.

"I'm present." A soft voice said as she tapped her bare feet together. 

'Just one word would do IM2939.' 


Her brown hair curtained her face, she had her head tilted forward as a soft buzzing of a tattoo gun surrounded the empty room. Her small legs dangled off the side of the table she was perched on, the stinging and pain that came with the procedure was unbearable to her small body. For the 24th time she felt a wipe across the nape of her neck. Her new clothes had nothing but the letter and number E3 on them. Before the man whom she had not seen since this had begun resumed in copying out her label, someone entered. The grating sound of metal on stone was heard, desperately she tried to see who it was, but her hair covered all vision of the room. 

"We shall start Phase E in two days time. Allow the pain of the ink to subside. We can't have another gone." A low voice said in the shadows.

"I agree, I shall prep room 7A for IM2939's arrival. Are we going through with the new procedure?" A different voice, one with a thick Russian accent responded.

'Indeed, IM2939 is one of our last chances.' 

The wipe went across her back once more and the man finished the new addition to her body. 


It was difficult to see above her, she looked onward through the tears that had clouded her sight. A bright blue was straight in front of her. A faint gold handle could be made out. Her body was cold, it shook within the restraints that held her up against the slab of stone she was on. As the tears fell from her eyes, the feeling of heat was created in her throat, it was tightening, and air was becoming hard to access. Violently she coughed until blood spluttered out and drooled down onto her grey uniform. The blood on her uniform now added to the blood that dripped from her forehead where they had made a deep cut. 

"Status, alive. Subject, IM2939. Hair colour brunette, eye colour left brown, right blue. Powers, unknown. To return to room 275 for resting purposes." 

The cuffs flicked off and her body, drained from all energy, fell forward. Before encountering the ground, two arms either side of her lifted her onto her feet. Not wanting to appear weak, she hobbled along to room 275 and collapsed on her single bed. 


'JT2937, deceased.' Without stopping, the voice continued on with the list.

'KX2938, male, brunette of hair with brown eyes. Are you present?' 

'Present.' A barely audible voice spoke, it came from a pale faced boy aged 13. 

'IM2939, female, brunette of hair, left brown eye, right blue eye. Are you present?' 

'I am present.' 

'Repeated, count number 3,650. Just one word would do IM2939.' The monotone voice had not altered since first registration.


She brought her right leg up to lock her trainers head, but he pushed it down with the corresponding arm and brought his foot up to her chest and she was launched across the arena floor. Her head smacked against the cold floor, her skin scrapped back and began to bleed. 

'I want more than this IM2939. You're predictable.' He spat at her, clearly unimpressed. 

'No.' She envisioned a small blade in her hand and turned around pretending to throw it. It manifested into reality using surrounding atoms. 

'No using powers, you need hand to hand combat. You don't know whether you could be restrained. Fight properly or die.' He said stepping aside to dodge the knife which hit the padded wall and wedged itself there before disintegrating. 

IM2939 ran forward once more, and attempted a right hook before being caught behind the knees and falling onto her back. The trainer put his foot on her neck and smirked at her. 

'Like I said, predictable. You're weak without your powers. Although if I wasn't under strict instructions to train you, I would be doing much more now knowing how easy it is to hold you down.' 

'Twisted bastard, I'm a child.' Feeling uncomfortable she rolled and stood up. 

'Dismissed, next session in the morning.' He walked towards the exit. 

'Polou, I'm going to kill you one day.' IM2939 said as she stared towards the retreating man.


Crouched into a corner, a squat man who was drenched in sweat and blood trembled. As IM2939 approached he grew paler, as an elderly she felt bad for what she was about to do. But, this was her mission. What she was created to do. 

'We gave you a choice, give us what we wanted or we force it out of you. You, I'm afraid chose wrong.' She placed her palm against his forehead and he screamed out in pain as she took his memories. 

Stood back, she watched his body slump into a pile on the floor. No emotion in his wrinkled face. The maroon vest he wore was littered with dirt, grease and blood, it was torn and tethered. It was time to put him to peace, with a finger above his heart she drew the life out of him and took it for herself. Before she returned to sort through the information she was required to get. 


In an empty room she looked from within the shadows at two teens, twins named Wanda and Pietro Maximoff. They were the only two survivors of the experimentation's so far, IM2939 was due to start training with them in a weeks time. Hand to hand combat, and according to Strucker she was to train Wanda to control and understand her powers. 

The girl was crying, she was going through a similar procedure that IM2939 went through. They had updated it since she was used ten years ago. They wanted more power. The boy wasn't crying but he was definitely in pain that was certain. They both screamed out as the sceptre grew brighter, she remembered the pain that came with that. 


Wanda ran at you, throwing all her power into her punch but she pulled on her punches and lost power. Which allowed for IM2939 to hook her around and flip her onto her back. Pietro came from the right and tried to tackle her to the floor but she stepped to the side and flung him into the wall. 

'Predictable, don't make it obvious by walking to one side before charging. Go from the middle. Wanda you're pulling your punches. Up, again.' 


Present day.

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