Part 1

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Yan opened the front door of the Ego Inc. Walking in blindly as she yawned, her eyes fluttering slightly, unable to stay awake. She had to take an exam and she didn't finish until 11:30 P.M. Now it was 12:13 and it was a friday, and to top it it was spring break, so she had a whole week of resting and being with her senpai, Randal.

She stumbled into the living room, which was dark. She knew everyone else was fast asleep. In fact,  she should be as well, barely able to keep her eyes open. So she walked down the hall, making it to her room, twisting the door handle and walking in throwing her bags to the side.

She opened her eyes to see and empty bed, which made her frown. Randal, Eric, and Derek were out filming for more sales so he wouldn't be back until tomorrow. It made her sad, she loved it when he cuddled her close. But then she thought about all they could do for the whole week, which made her smile, before another yawn interrupted her.  She then flung the sheets open and face planted into the bed, covering herself up, finally drifting off to sleep.

But she forgot to do the one, most important thing she always did before going to bed, and that was taking her gender swap potion, that kept her female. So she was oblivious as her body radiated with a bright green color, before ending in a cloud of green smoke. That light itself was blinding, but she just rolled over, covering herself with the blanket, as she fell deeper into sleep.


The next morning, Yan woke up to the sound of her alarm clock, causing her to groan as she slammed her fist on the button, shutting the clock up. She layed their for a few seconds, before lifting herself up, flinging the sheets off of her slightly. After a second or two she let out a yawn as she stretched, before getting up and walking to the bathroom, her eyes still closed slightly. 

She stumbled into the bathroom turning the hot water on as she cupped her hands together, leaning down, then splashing the water on her face, waking her up slightly. She sighed as she reached for the towel drying her face.

After a second of drying her face she pulled the towel away to look in the mirror only to freeze, not seeing her face stare back at her, but Mark's. Shock started to rise with in her, as she slowly looked down at her hands, finding a pair of male ones instead of hers, causing her shock to be replaced by fear. She began to back up, shaking her head, her breathe speeding up as she stared back at the mirror. She then let out a scream, that sounded similar to Mark's. 


Yan gasped, as realization shot through her. She forgot to drink one of her viles last night. 

Okay... okay Yan just... just calm down... take a breathe.

She did so, slowly breathing in and out.

It's all gonna be fine. You just have to drink the one of the viles and you'll be back to normal.

So she reached a shaky hand on the mirror cabinet and opened it, finding a small case. She took it out and flipped the lock on it, opening it up. Only to freeze, seeing all the viles were completely empty. "No." She whispered, cringing at how much she sounded like Mark, but her worry took hold as she looked through the empty viles, shaking her head. "No,no,no,no. This... this cant be happening!" 

She slammed it shut and set it aside, beginning to pace. "No, what am I gonna do?! Marvin's half way acrossed the world and the only ones who can reach him is papa and Father! And to top it Eric and his dad will be home any minute along with-."

Yan froze hearing a knock at the bathroom door. 

"Doll, it's me, Randal. I'm home."

Yan's heart rate started to rise as she starred at the door, her fear only growing. 

"... no."

Yan's Predicament حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن