Chapter One

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"Just shut okay, it really wasnt that bad" I smirked at Grace

"Bails, Where you even there? Did you see yourself" She splutters trying to refrain from laughing.

I hate it when she calls me that, and I really didn't want to talk about last night anymore, from what I remembered it wasnt anything to be proud of. Grace has been my best friend since kindergarten, we are complete double trouble when we are together.

"Do you even remember his name? I'm pretty sure he was a highschooler" Grace says mockingly.

"Just get over it okay?" I snapped, she was really beginning to annoy me.

"Its okay babe, still love ya" She winks at me.

Last time I am ever attending a frat party, It seemed like a good idea at the time though. And I got to see Mason, which was great, I think.. Mason is one of my best friends, we grew up together and he is practically family, so he says. After senior year we all got accepted into Westmore, Mason went the frat route, Grace and I decided on a house on campus.

"I'm going to take a shower, I smell like an AA meeting" I said.

"Don't we all" Grace chuckled as I left the room.

God I was tired.


"Bailey, wake up! Mase just texted me" Grace shrieked in my ear.

What time was it, I didnt even remember falling asleep. 9am?! I sleep since yesterday afternoon, Great! Atleast my hangovers gone, kinda. What does that dweeb want? And since when is Mason awake before noon.

"Morning voice please Gracie, what on earth has gotten you so peppy?" I groaned.

"Bonfire at Beta later, preparations must be made!" She almost sings while prancing around my room.

Beta Bonfire night is always one for the books, there was no saying no, plus its the perfect time to pull some third year man candy. I really need rehab, I laughed to myself.

"Shotgun not me" I half screamed half groaned I took a while to fully wake up and didn't want to be send on a liquor store run. Gracie and I both had fake I.D's, her brothers friend Elijah hooked them up, pretty sure Gracie sucked him off for them, but I'll never know.

"Fuck you Bailey" she snorts as she goes to find her car keys.

4.36pm time to get ready, I threw on my white crop top and high waisted shorts with my cute black pumps, left my long blonde hair down in soft romantic waves and slapped on a dark smokey eye and my signature red lips. 5.02pm well that was fast, guess we are getting there early Grace, who had if I may add been ready since 12 noon, so much for excitement.


"Bailey! Over here" Mason shouts. God he looked good, I always felt weird perving on him, but he was so damn perfect. His dark tanned skin you could swear he spend 3 weeks in the Bahamas, wash board abs, shoulder length brown hair which he would push back, the most perfect smile and who could forget those deep green eyes I could stare at them for hours.

"Hey hotness" I said mockingly as I ran over.

"No you!" He joked as he threw his arms around me. "How was the aftermath" he joked. God did everyone notice how wasted I was? Thank god heres Grace.

"Hey Masey" Grace teased as she gave him a hug.

"G, Tylers here hey 3 o' clock" I winked. Shes always had the biggest crush on Tyler Hartford. I will never understand it, he's such a douche.

"Please excuse me" Grace giggles

We were all already pretty drunk by the time everyone rolled in, 3rd years everywhere, tonights going to be fun I thought to myself. Grace and I have a mans mentality, well more me than Grace. We drink too much, party too much and yes we are always down to get laid. I never really fall for anyone, I have only ever had one serious relationship which ended pretty badly after 4 years, probably the reason I went so cold.

"I did it" Grace slurred with the hugest smile painted across her cheeks.

"Tyler?!" I squealed

"No stupid, did a keggie" how she managed to get those last words out before puking down her shirt is beyond me, I assume she meant keg stand, god dammit Grace.

She proceeded to take her top off and jump the closest male to her, Kyle Stevens, not bad. Puke kiss, gross I shuddered.

"Hey you, whats c... what the!? Is that Grace?" Mason laughs

"Yes Mase, yes it is" I smiled.

"I want in!" He joked grinning.

I want in with you I thought, biting my lip. Oh god he probably saw that good going Bailey. Ive never hooked up with Mason, not that I wouldn't I was just so scared of losing him, he's my best friend, not that I have feelings for him or anything just a lustful attraction I guess.

"Come sit" he said handing me a beer. "Whats been happening, feels like all we've been doing lately is partying, I've missed us time B"

"Things are great, I guess, Aidan got accepted for next year, you best take him under you wing" I said. Aidan is my younger brother, we have always been extremely close, especially after mom died. She passed when I was 8, Aidan was 7. I've basically been a mother and a sister to him as we grew up, my Dad is great but I've always felt he was a little hard on Aidan.

"No ways, is he pledging Beta?" Mason asked excitedly

"What do you think" I snorted, ofcourse he was.


Where the hell is Bailey I thought to myself. We had hardly spent much alone time together this semester which isn't like us, guess I had neglected the friendship a bit.

"Mase, come here man" shouted Trent. I walked over, him and Miles were sharing a bottle of Rum, clearly out their skull already.

"Have you seen Bails?" I asked

"Arghahaha pussy whipped" Miles slurred before fist bumping Trent.

I don't think these two have ever been friends with a girl without banging them. Ah there she is, I ran over.

"Hey you, whats c.. Is that Grace?!" I exclaimed. Damn, Grace is pretty hot when shes half naked and drunk.

"Yes, Mase, yes it is" Bailey replied she looked concerned yet equally as amused.

She looked beautiful, I don't usually notice these things about Bailey, I probably should but I've always seen her as one of the boys. Time for some drunken bonding, I'd missed this girl.



The night was amazing, as expected. For some reason Trent, Masons best mate and bromance, decided it was a great idea to feed me Rum, bad idea Trent. I hooked up with a third year before confessing my love to the toilet and crawling up next to Mase in the fetal possition, god knows where Gracie was.

"I feel like death" I slurred at Mase as I snuggled up on his chest.


Thanks for reading guys! Sorry I didn't leave a cliff hanger or anything fancy was almost a little introduction to the book, please leave any comments or constructive crit. Love you all! X







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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2014 ⏰

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