The Perfect Home

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(Warning, sensitive content such as: child abuse and alcoholism)

Raven's p.o.v

"For heaven's sake just forget it! You're never going to understand me!" I hadn't even stepped foot in the house yet and already I could hear my sisters voice.

"Your plans don't make any sense Alexus! You know what? I don't have time for this. Go to your room!" My mother screams back. The bickering continues with every step I take to the door. I sigh, my hand resting upon the handle. I know they haven't locked it, they never do. Before I even had a chance to open the door it swings open catching me off guard, I stumble backwards only for my arm to be caught by my mother. She pulls me in and closes the door. Did I do something wrong? I turn to face her, a nervous smile on my face.

"A-are you OK..?" I ask, hoping for a peaceful resolution. It's obvious she's been drinking. Her eyes...

She just stares down at me. I can't tell if things are getting tense or just awkward... I break eye contact with her, humming to myself quietly. For some reason something I did upset her because before I knew what was happening the back of her hand came hurtling towards my face smacking me with a strong enough force to sting and throw me to the ground. Dazed, I look up to meet her glare. What did I do? I can see her mouth moving but I can't make out what she's saying. Really? One smack from my mother and already I feel like passing out? What the hell...I'm so weak...

No one's p.o.v

Raven was confused to say the least. He had a few odd experiences with his drunken mother before but she had never caused him any harm. His mother also had no idea what was going on. Her heart sunk as she watched her child look up at her from the dirtied old rug, cheek red from where she had smacked him. She wanted to cry and tell him how sorry she was but she couldn't get the words out. She choked down a sob and growled at him in a low, spine chilling voice. "Go to your room...and don't bother me anymore..."

Alexus' p.o.v

I knew Raven had come home. I should have been there to greet him like usual, prevent him from running into our intoxicated mother. It's unusually quiet down there. Should I go check on them? No. If I went back down there things would only get worse. Then from out of nowhere came a loud smacking sound. Or atleast, that's what it sounded like to me. I remove my headphones from around my neck, readjust my bow and speed walk out of the room. I don't care if she hates me for disobeying her commands. If that really was a slap then something bad must have happened. Once I reach the stairs I lean over the banister to see what's going on. Before I can comprehend what's happening Raven bolts past me, almost knocking me down. I turn and follow him silently because I know that if I were to say a thing within earshot of our mother I could be in some deep shit. Raven swings open his bedroom door and pulls me inside with him, slamming the door behind him. I can't tell if he's angry or upset. I reach a hand out towards his face and rub his cheek gently. I could tell from the red mark that she had hit him. I don't know how to feel about this. She had never done anything like this to Raven or I in the past. Perhaps I can let it slide? It was a one time thing after all and Raven will probably wake up to her bawling her eyes out apologising tomorrow morning. Raven grabs my hand and pulls it away from his cheek. I hadn't realised I'd been holding him like I wanted to kiss him for a good minute or so.

"Are you okay?" I finally manage to ask. Rather than worrying about my mother I should worry about my brother. The pain my mother is feeling has all been brought on by her bad decisions. Raven didn't choose to be slapped.

Raven shakes his head slightly. "I don't know what I've done wrong. She never hits me!" He whisper-shouts in a shaky voice.

"Don't take it personally. She's had a bit too much to drink and wasn't thinking straight. She would never intenionally hurt either of us." I reply in my calmest of voices. It's times like this I don't regret joining the school drama club.

"Why won't she stop drinking? She's hurting us and herself. This isn't fair!" Tears prick the corner of his eyes. Atleast he's trying to stay strong.

"I'm afraid life isn't that simple. Mom is addicted to alcohol and it's not easy to break free from an addiction. Sure, she could be doing more like going to an AA meeting or buying less drinks but it's just not like that. Ever since the whole situation with Dad she's been broken. I promise she didn't mean to hurt you."

"I know..." He mumbles, playing with his collar. He seems to have calmed down now.

"Can you find it in your heart to forgive her tonight?"

"I forgive her...but please don't leave." He pleads whilst holding onto my sleeve in a firm grip. I guess I'm staying in here tonight.

I sigh, smiling at my brother. For someone who pretends to be edgy he's actually quite cute. Not to say that slapping him is the only way to bring out his sensitive side. I think I could get used to Raven needing me like he used to when we were kids but I shouldn't get too attached to this feeling. I know things will revert back to normal tomorrow. I glance at his alarm clock before looking back down at him. "I won't leave you...but it's getting late so we should go to sleep. We still have school tomorrow whether we like it or not." I open his closet and scrounge around before pulling out a spare blanket and laying it on the floor whilst he climbs into his bed. He passes me a pillow and whispers to me a goodnight before turning to face his wall and trying to get to sleep. I smile to myself before climbing into my makeshift futon and close my eyes. Tomorrow is another day.

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2019 ⏰

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