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dream: first it started out w me, my friends nadia, cj, veya and cara going to see bohemian rhapsody in this massive theatre, then we get on a 40's style japanese train which takes us home except for me. it takes me to a olive field and im trapped in said train, unable to run into a field, which is my deepest and greatest desire for some reason. and then i woke up,,,,

i looked up the meaning, so;

dreams with friends; Dreaming about a friend. If you saw one of your friends in a dream, such a dream might indicate meeting soon with this person, because he or she might need your help or advice about something.

dreams in theatres; Theaters featured in dreams are often associated with a person's social life. There maybe someone who is acting like a drama queen. If one has a dream of a movie theatre this suggests that things in life will act out in front of them.

dreams about trains; Trains take us from one place to another so their presence in our dreams may represent a journey or direction that you are taking in your daily life. ... Alternatively your dream train may be telling you that your one track mind is limiting your flexibility, perhaps you need to re-consider your current train of thought.

dreams about fields; Dream of a field can symbolize your need for freedom. They also represent fertility and personal growth. Dreaming of fields can also mean you need to embrace mother nature and all she offers.

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