Chapter 1

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A large built, suited woman, looks to a small, white, skinny man and whispers "age 17, Light brown, short dark brown hair, average build and about 5 foot 9"

Three months ago myself and my two best friends Caleb and Stephen, were walking towards our English class, when out of nowhere, someone burst through us, pushing Caleb to the ground, Caleb thinking it was a younger student acting a bit to big for there boots, acted in his usual fashion, quickly jumping up to set the young kid straight, but to all of our surprise it was a teacher! Mr Lenten!? He was already far from us and hadn't turned back, stopped or even Flinched when Caleb hit the floor, he had just continued, liked nothing had happened, rushing down the hallway, his mind was obviously somewhere else, but all three of us where overwhelmed as this took all of us by surprise because Mr Leeten was known for his very calm, caring and patience nature, our confusion put us on pause as we all stood there, shocked.

It was strange for me as Mr Leeten had always been one of my favourite teachers and I was extremely curious to know why he had acted so out of character. Caleb, Stephen and I would often sit in Mr Leeten's classroom during lunch and talk, he had a good way of making you feel listened to and always knew how to answer my many questions, I always respected him for that, but again I had never seen him this way, acting so unaware and careless, as he was always so attentive and kind, even when handed a lot of the trouble students throughout the years, one year he got stuck with the notorious Jonathan Hem, a student that was known for trying to make his teachers a mess by the end of every year, Jonathan would do anything he could and most years he would succeed, but Mr Leeten handled Jonathan with wit and class, it was like magic and was why so many students respected and looked up to him, but again this day was different, and something in my gut told it was worse than a misbehaving student, It was as if he had been caught of guard.

My curiosity ate at me all day and knowing that I had history with Mr Leeten sixth period made it worse, all day it ran through my mind, I was so desperately eager to see where his newfound personality had come from or if he was back to his normal self. Sixth period finally came and I rushed to history, but when I arriving, I saw a Buch of my classmates standing by the classroom door looking as confused and curious as I had been earlier that morning. Mr Leeten was never not there, let alone late, so I walked up to the door and before I could try to open it, Nicole a girl from the class stop me and said in a slightly confused voice "it's locked?" and again thought about how strange this all was as Mr Leeten made a point of always being on time, he would constantly remind us "I can't expect you students to be on time if am not" this was just another reason we all loved about him. I quickly ran to the classroom's side window and looked in and again was surprised as he wasn't where he usually sat, the classroom was completely empty and my mind again went back to earlier that day, I could shake the feeling that something terribly wrong had happend. 

We were waiting outside the classroom for so long that the third bell had rung, this was the bell that rang to hurry the students who liked to take their time, My mind was racing, and so many possible scenarios filled my mind because throughout the years of Mr Leeten being my teacher,  I had never seen him be this un-organised, even when he was sick or away he always let us know. Suddenly my thoughts were put on pause, when to everyone surprise Mr Grempt the headmaster came walking toward us and began to unlocked the door to let us in, he then walked in himself, I saw Mr Grempt pause for a moment, with his back turned to us, as if he was trying to pull words together, "He looks nervous" I said to Caleb and Stephen, we all turned to look at Mr Grempt as he signed turned and head and made his way towards the front of the class, when there, in a soft calm voice he started with "how are you all today?" I felt he was trying to soften the blow for something big, he continued "it's sad to say this, but Mr Leeten has resigned from his position today" Mr Grempt was interrupted by our very irritated class, and suddenly Stephen shot up slamming his fist on to his desk, he began shouting, saying what the whole class was thinking "What! Why? This is a joke, you would have had to have fired him, he wouldn't leave us like this!'' The whole class erupted in support, yelling questions at Mr Grempt, Mr Grempt sternly Cleared cleared his throat and continued "Quite! Stephen Kote sit down, I can assure you we did not fire Mr Leeten, there was no reason to, also I am unable to share the reason why Mr Leeten has chosen to leave'' he paused for a moment to give us time to calm down, but a wave of shock and disappointment swept over the whole class, Lucy the girl who sat behind me began to cry, but was comforted by her two friend that sat next to her, Mr Grempt had now calmed back down to a softer voice and again continued " The reason I came in here was to let you know that this came as a shock to us as well, and we don't have any teachers to replace him, so for the next few days you will be having me teaching you" Mr Gremtp stopped to take a breath, "Look we are all going to miss him, but it's more important that we continue with lessons'' Mr Grempt stopped and sat down.

The day had finished, but there were still questions rushing through my mind, why didn't he tell us he was leaving? Why didn't he say goodbye and why did he look so agitated earlier that day? I started to head towards my locker to grab my bag and in the corner of my eye I saw Mr Leeten. I ran towards him, he again looked very aggravated, he walked quickly head down, obviously in a rush, I could tell his mind was far from reality, He began heading towards the bridge across from the school. I yelled out his name multiple times, but he didn't answer, I couldn't help but feel he was ignoring me, Still I kept following him, I had to talk to him one more time, ask him why! 

He got to the end of the bridge, placed his hand on the railing and looked down, again I yelled out to him, but he didn't respond, he began to edge closer to the middle of the bridge, then stopped and began to pace back and forth, I was still about 50m away, and now that he had stopped I was finally getting close to him, I yelled his name, hoping he could hear me or would respond but still my yelling was disregarded as he continued to pace back and forth, I was about 20M away from him, when I look up and saw that he was now standing on the railing, My mind stopped, shocked, not knowing whether what I was seeing was really happening, I refused to believe that he was actually considering this! The Happy and enthusiastic man I thought had his life together, I looked up once again and he had his arms stretched out wide, I was getting close to him and could hear him softly mumbling words to himself, out of no where he then began to yell desperately "This can't be real!!" "Why have you done this to me?" frantically I ran, thinking maybe I could help, I finally reached the middle of the bridge and all I could hear was his soulful sobbing, I yelled at him "Mr Letten, are you ok?" he just stood there, silent, his tears rushing from his cheeks, falling into the water below, again I yelled desperately hoping he would step down "You can't do this, you need to step down, you are important in too many lives, in my life!" He suddenly turned his head towards me, with a break from his tears yelling back "There's no point, you don't understand, you haven't seen it, you don't know, this is the only certain thing! I looked down for a moment to catch my breath, and try to conjure up what to say next, what to say to convince him that he was wrong, I looked up to face him and he was gone.... 

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