The Prom Games

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There has been a stupid tradition, at my stupid high school, in my stupid small town, since my freshman year. Now four years later I'm a senior and that tradition is back, The Prom Games. Hosted by the three most notorious hottie in our school; Mark Jacobs, Jax Mason, and my personal favorite Joshua Jones, my ex-best friend, the one who left me for popularity. In The Prom Games there are only three rules.

1. The girl can't be a friend.

2. The boys must have an impartial party choose said girl.

3. She has to say the words, "I will go to prom with you" and you have to record it.

I hate that damned tradition, so wasn't it funny when I was chosen to be their very last game...

When I heard the news I spent the rest of my day in the library, a no go zone for the popular. I just had to suffer through hiding out today, prom was tonight so if I could lay low until tomorrow I'd be golden. Being a nerd I couldn't exactly ditch my classes so my best friend Megan dropped all my homework off at the library during lunch.

I was just starting in on a Russian political history paper when a book hit my hand. A sticky note had a page number written on it 123, I flipped to that page and saw seven words highlighted.


Sitting at the chair across from me was none other than Mark, he smirked in my direction.

"You know I've never banged a nerd before," he said.

My mouth fell open. I leapt from my chair and flipped him off, storming out of the library.


I was still fuming walking down the hallway and ran into a wall... no not a wall, Jax.

"I've been looking for you," he said softly.

Too sexy for my shirt started playing, he ripped off his white shirt and on his abs in body paint was Prom?

I practically growled when I shoved past him," Leave me the hell alone!"


It had been a solid hour and thank god my traitorous ex-best friend was leaving me alone. I growled at the mud on my once white converse, stupid boys making me go to the stupid football field for some peace! I pulled out my paper and continued to outline my paper.

I heard music begin to play and looked up to see on the bleachers opposite me was a boy in a blue suit. He sang I Love You Baby and reenacted my favorite scene from 10 Things I Hate About You. I didn't want to, but I laughed, it was like old times, when I had loved him.

"Joshua Frankie Jones, what are you doing," I hollered at him.

"Please go to the prom with me forget the game," he grinned that grin and I melted all over again.

I pulled out my phone and for the sake of my friend I said those words, the one I couldn't help but love.

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