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     The red numbers flashed bright in his face. A small part of him knew that this--all of it--was completely wrong. But the end justified the means; it had to. He took a deep breath and pressed the button.
     The corridor was dark and long. So very, very long. It stretched on to eternity. And his footsteps echoed just a little too loud, but he had to get to the designated spot before the timer ran out.
     He could feel the faint throbbing of the bass line of some party song that was playing in the room adjacent to the hallway he was in. He tried to tune his ear which song but to no avail. He sighed, he loves--no, wait--loved music, specifically classical, but he wasn't picky. His favorite being the Surprise Symphony by . A smile crept onto his face then quickly faded into nothing.
     He chuckled, my how the irony catches up to you when you're at the end of your life; and the regrets too. He regretted never telling his precious angel why he did it. He regretted never being able to see his baby grow into a beautiful young woman.
     His eyes stung and his head hurt, but it would all be over soon. He hit send on a message that gave them the 5 second warning. Finally, his body gave in and crumpled to the floor. Lying on the floor, he waited for the inevitable. The surprise in the Surprise Symphony; the beginning of the end.

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