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Talias POV

"Wake up you slut!"yelled my stepmother. I immediately sat up, suddenly wide awake.

My stepmother and I were on the way to California from Malaysia as my mother got in trouble for dealing with drugs... no matter how hard I persuaded her, she just abused me and brought back ruthless boyfriends who did the same when she was drunk. she was NEVER sober...

My stepmother slapped me hard across the face, and punched my nose and mouth. She took a blow at my stomach, and I flinched as my mouth formed an 'o' and blood poured out, my insides hurting.

My mother laughed wickedly as she punched me again in the neck.Then, I was darkness and black was swirling in my mind. The last thing I heard were gasps from around me...


"What happened?" I heard murmurs from around me with beeping sounds and as soon as I opened my eyes, a perky nurse in what looked like a sick bay questioned with a worried glint in her eyes asked,"honey, how are you ? Should I get a glass of warm water for you?"

I nodded as I smiled weakly. I must be in the sick bay of the airplane.

An air steward explained that my stepmother was moved to another seat and I was to return to mine before landing.

When it was time to land, I cautiously walked back a stewardess escorting me. This wasn't the first time I was beaten by my only guardian after all...

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