Thunder Struck Revised

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"No!" screamed Elsa from where she was strapped to the table, as Mesogog flipped the switch.

"Goodbye Elsa... I shall miss you."

The machinery hummed low, and a beam of energy shot down from the point of the extractor, striking Elsa's leather clad chest. Crying out as the equipment drained her of the powers that Mesogog had given her, she felt every evil impulse, every violent behavior drawn from her... leaving her with a sense that this was never what she was, or ever wanted to be.

And as she felt herself begin to dissolve, she realized that maybe, even if this was the death of her that she was finally going to be free.


On the rooftop of a high rise building in downtown Reefside, the woman formerly known as Elsa suddenly appeared. She looked around, staring at her surroundings in shock and confusion, and then quickly focused on herself. Gone was the leather and mesh and the skin of her hands was lighter; she felt different. She felt like she had changed, and in a way that seemed natural.

Yet she still couldn't comprehend what had happened. How she had come to be here...

How had she survived Mesogog's machine? She had felt herself fading into nothingness. Now, she was here, on the roof of a building in a city... she couldn't remember what city this was. All she could remember was that she expected to be dead. That Mesogog had finally tired of her and drained the power he'd bestowed on him.

Or was it cursed her with?

Shaking her head slowly, she let her eyes close, her hands coming to her head as images flashed before her eyes. She recalled the look of Mesogog as he motioned for the TyranoDrones to haul her to the chair where they strapped her down.

How was it that she remembered that from before, except in a different way?

Still, it was frightening. She had no idea where she was, or who she was for that matter. All she recalled was Mesogog... and power rangers?

"Well, look what we have here."

The sudden voice startling her, she quickly turned and saw the hard, gray armor of someone else she recognized – Zeltrax.

"Leave me alone!"

"I don't think so, 'Elsa', dear... there's going to be a lot of people looking for you," Zeltrax remarked with an evil tone in his voice.

Grabbing her arm tightly, he hauled her towards the entrance to the rooftop. She struggled, parts of her body remembering self defensive, and offensive moves that she'd learned... when? With a leaping kick, she broke his grasp, and tried to run. But he caught her around the waist, twisting her around and then hauling her up against him.

"You are so much better this way. I can see why Oliver was so besotted..."

She blinked and felt her head spin. That name... she knew that name. Images of brown hair and brown eyes and a sweet smile flashed through her mind. And in an instant, she knew who he was.

"Tommy!" she screamed before the stress and drain of her energy caused her to pass out.

As her body went limp, Zeltrax threw her over his shoulder, and carried her towards the stairs.


"Tommy, look at this," said Hayley as she enlarged the screen to maximum on the monitor before them in the basement.

"Zeltrax. Why's he kidnapping that female civilian?" he commented as he watched the slim shape of a brunette woman thrown over Zeltrax's shoulder. He couldn't get a good look, but she seemed familiar...

Power Rangers Dino Thunder Thunder Struck RevisedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon