The start

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          Layla pov:
It was a few weeks into a new school year there was a lot of new people at our school, my best friend Emily moved school so I was pretty much alone this year, I was devastated that she moved but lately we been drifting apart so it didn't effect me as much .I was sitting in the back of the class  at a table by myself as I was okay with ,then a girl with blonde hair and big blue eyes walks in the class room, she came to me with and smile and ask if she could sit with me, I don't know if it was out of pity or not but I nodded. As she took the seat by me she introduced her self as Hailey, she asked for my name  and I told her, we talked for a few minutes till the teacher came in, Mr boons, is a pain in the ass for the few weeks I have know him, he so strict, and barley smiles. He teaches math and that even worse, I can't stand math, but I go on with my day , Hailey and I have a few other classes together.

      A few weeks later, it was a Friday night ,I was at home waiting for dinner to be finish , as usually I was drawing, I'm not the best drawer in the world but I like doing it so I do, " Layla dinner ready." I could hear my mom shout that from down stairs  and in replied I shouted back be there in a
minute, I went into my restroom and washed my hands and headed down stairs, mum made pasta, and  cooked potato's. " you know Layla I have to go on another out of state business meeting so your gonna be home alone for a few weeks." Oh was i could say, she so busy with work that we hardly get to spend any time to either,  but she doing her job to support us, she owns a few hotels some are co-joined with other CEOS  but mom is pretty good one herself and knows how to run a business something I will never know about and well my dad he's nowhere near my life right now. After dinner my mom told me she was heading off to her meeting next Monday after she basically give me a whole lecture about staying home like always Same things, no house party,don't stay out to late, and don't get pregnant. Other then that seems like she trusted me.

        It was a start of a new week, also known as Monday, I was not feeling my best today , I woke up ,looked in the mirror and just wanted to go back to sleep,  then I realize my mom was leaving today so I headed down stairs to say bye but she already gone, there was note saying that she was going to ger office before the flight , and that there was pancakes on the counter if I wanted some,  after I ate my pancake I went upstairs and to take a shower and brush my teeth and and wash my face, I put on some comfy clothes and grabbed my phone and headed to school.
   I could see Hailey and Bill, Bill is who got lost and couldn't find his classes and asked us for help , he also had Reading and PE with us , he's super funny and I think he has a crush on tommy, the guy who sits in front of us in math class. Last week tommy invited Bill ,Hailey and me to his house party and Bill been begging us to go. So we said yes.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2020 ⏰

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