This Isn't Supposed to Happen to Gods-Prologue

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Every two hundred years, the gods convene.  The Olympians, the Aesir and Vanir, and the Duatians(A/N: "Duatian" is pronounced Doo-ai-shen).   Greece and Rome, Egypt, and Norway. They all come together for four days on the moon to discuss what is happening with the worlds.

Zeus stood on the dusty lunar surface, gazing towards the blue and green marble that he and hundreds of others called home.   The other thirteen Olympians were gathered behind him. Poseidon bickered with Athena, Hades argued with Demeter, Hera glared at everyone, Artemis smacked Apollo each time he tried to recite a poem, Ares and Aphrodite were busy sucking face while Hephaestus watched bitterly, Hermes blabbed away on his phone, Dionysus summoned a bottle of wine only for it to turn to water, and Hestia stood by her brother's side.

"You seem troubled, Zeusy,"

"How many times have I told you not to call me that?"

"My apologies. I thought you liked it," Zeus glared at his older sister.  She simply smiled.

"The others should be arriving soon," Hermes said, putting his phone away. "I just finished talking with Bes and Meili." Zeus nodded.   He sent up a bolt of lightning.  Everyone stopped and looked at their king.

"Take your places." Each god's or goddess's throne appeared in a semicircle and they sat, though conversations still flew around. A blast of rainbow colored light slammed into the moon. Out stepped Odin, king of the Aesir. The light disappeared and a small council of gods fanned out behind him.

Thor in his grungy glory, lifted his leg and farted, Frey and his sister Freya held a thumb war, Frigg stood by her husband's side, Tyr polished his missing hand's cover, Sif combed her hair, occasionally creating trophies that were thrown into space, and Njord waggled his toes. Meili, god of travel, grinned at Hermes, waved, and disappeared, the Bifrost taking him back.

"Odin. Greetings," Zeus boomed. Odin turned his eye to the king of the Olympians.

"Hello, Zeus. Been awhile," Odin waved his hand. Thrones appeared for each of his companions. Athena caught Frey's eye and nodded in greeting. They had a particularly close relationship, what with the Chase bloodline.

"Where's Ol' Fireball?" Thor asked.   Apollo popped an earbud out.

"I do hope you don't mean me"  The Greek sun god said.

"He's talking about me," A voice said. A man with a ram's head walked up to the assembly. An odd array of beings followed, led by Ra, king of the Duatians.

Horus, the falcon head, twirled a khopesh while his sister, Isis held a staff.  Nekhbet and Babi argued in the old Egyptian language, Sobek looking very exhausted of their constant arguing. Bast followed close behind Ra, acting as his bodyguard, her large, lamplike cat eyes taking in everything. Set and his red Set Monster head looked rather bored as he scrolled through his phone. Thoth flipped through a book, his ibis beak brushing the pages, magical hieroglyphics floating off his lab coat. Bes pranced around between the legs of the much taller gods, causing some to trip. Ra spoke some Divine Words.

"Crayt zrns." The shimmering icons formed simple stools. They sat and the Assembly of the Gods convened.

"Welcome, all of you. Seeing as most of you are here, you know what this meeting is about."

"Get on with it, Pops. I got chicks to see." Apollo said. Barely looking, Zeus zapped his son. The Greek sun god yelped.

"Apologies. Now, let's start with status. Odin, anything to report?" the one eyed god stood and pulled a rune from his pocket. He tossed it up and it formed a projector and screen. The screen read: "Assembly of the Gods 2024- Norse Report" Everyone groaned while Odin looked pleased with himself. A clicker appeared in his hand. The slide changed to show to talking points

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