gazing [CHAP 1]

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[No POV]

Gay? Falling for a boy? Kirishima had read so many books about same sex romance for enjoyment. He loved dreaming and fantasising over these sweet romances, he would always convince himself to fall for girls. He still couldn't keep his mind off that one guy he saw at the UA entrance exams. A tall guy, packed with muscle, sandy blonde hair that would poke out in all directions and one hell of an attitude. Kirishima didn't have the nerve to catch up to him and get his name, lets hope he sees him again... some day.

[Kirishima POV]

"It'll be fine Mom you don't have to drive me to school we don't live far!" I explained to my nervous mom.
"Ok heres some money to buy something at lunch, and MAKE SURE TO CALL M-" I heard her yell but I would be late if I didn't get my ass moving...

I haven't really admired UA yet, its a beautiful school which makes me even more excited. So many different faces and mutation- Wait is that him?! I could see him out of the corner of my eye, that cute boy I saw at the entrance exams, he looked pretty lonely should I talk to him? I couldn't help but stare at his muscular body, he was ripped and in shape and his eyes made him so much hotter. OH SHIT HE CAUGHT ME STARING. My face went pink and I pretended to look for my phone in my pocket. I caught one more glance at him did and holy shit did I freak he was staring back? Something came over me to go and talk to him.

"Hi, I'm Kirishima nice to mee-"

"Ok cool get out of my way fuckwit I'm not here to make friends" He said in a nervous voice that kind of broke me.

I couldn't tell if my heart was broken or in love. That one short moment of him talking to me in anger nearly turned me on and I couldn't help but smile as he walked away, hand in his pockets with his cute mad face?

[Bakugou POV]

Who was this guy walking up to me the fuck? He must realise I am not here to make friends I just want to be a hero fucking hell everyones way to friendly it makes me mad. I could feel the urge to explode everyones fucking heads off. Even though I was mad I couldn't help but think about how he actually acknowledged me? Whatever no time for friends anyways. I didn't catch his name but whatever probably won't have any relevancy to me anyways.
My phone had gone off and the notification read

"kirishima_redriot has requested to follow you on instagram."

I opened my phone to see his profile picture. It was the red head that came up to me a couple minutes ago. The fuck who gave him my username? I mean whats the harm in accepting he can't be a bad person I guess.

"OH SHIT" I yelled- Wait I said that out loud. Without looking around I could sense everyone had their eyes on me.

"WHAT THE FUCK YOU ALL LOOKING AT HUH?" I yelled but there was no one there. Then it struck me that I was late to my first day of school? Holy shit I need to sprint up those stairs if I want to make it!!! THIS IS BULLSHIT I thought in my head I CAN'T ALREADY BE LATE. I must of looked weird to people just passing the school since its a real popular school I mean the most famous heroes work here and went here. There I saw people surrounding the halls, I guess I wasn't late after all...

"Hey man sorry for disturbing you out there, hey I found your gram! Nice to meet you Bakugo." The familiar voice said from behind.

"Whatever its fine."

Were the only words I could get out of my mouth, I kind of felt bad which was a first I have never really felt bad for people I'm mean to...

"Well class is gonna start soon we should sit together! Also don't mind me asking but whats your quirk" The red hair asked me as I was trying to talk off.

I quickly made explosions with my palms and his eyes lit up with such curiosity and interest. I got kind of flustered to be completely honest.

"Thats so sick and manly!" Kirishima yelled.

"Thanks, how about you?" I asked? It felt like my mouth was moving on its own. Usually I try not to get into peoples shit just incase we actually become friends.

"Its pretty boring I mean.." I could hear him say as he scratched the back of his neck and looked down at his feet.

"Just show me I wont judge or anything its" I say without thinking. Why am I saying this..

It was pretty mesmerising, his skin and his whole body just hardened to a rock. I couldn't help myself but stare.

"Yea is called hardening not that cool right, yours is sick though man!" Kirshima yelled.
"So manly.." He trailed off I guess he wanted a response.

"I think its really cool, haven't seen anything like it-"

Wait is he blushing or something? What the fuck? Ok I'm probably taking this out of proportion, probably just drained himself to show me his quirk or something.

"I'm l-leaving bye see y-you around so-sometime?" He was struggling to squeeze it out of his mouth. Is he ok?

"You good bro?" He looked pretty red maybe I should take him to the nurse or something.

He just walked off with his head down. I kinda already missed our conversation I guess I'll see him around sometime.

[A/N] thanks for listening to my shitty story i love kiribaku with all my heart ill try post after school love uuuu <3

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