Chapter 1: Peter Pan

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A/N: Ok so there is four main characters. Hayden, skarlet, kaitlyn and shyden. the POV will change every chapter. Thanks for reading and enjoy!


"KAITLYN GET IN HERE!"Hayden shouted from her room.

"Coming" I yelled back. I exited out of YouTube and shut my laptop.

I walked across the hallway and entered her room.

"What's wrong?" I asked

" Where is my Peter Pan movie!" she yelled.

Oh my. This wouldn't be that big of a problem except this is Hayden and she is crazy about it. A whole wall in her room is painted Peter Pan themed. The rest of the walls are black. It fits her.

"So where is it?" she asks annoyed. "I haven't touched it. Check in the movie player."

"Ok thanks!" she says now smiling an running down the stairs. "I FOUND IT!" "CONGRATULATIONS"

As I was saying her room fits her. It's a mix of blue green and black. Her bed spread is blue and all of the furniture is black. That's her personality.

She is mysterious and dark yet full of life and fun to be around.

It fits her appearance to. She usually wears black and band tee shirts. Her hair is blue and she has snake bites. She has a pretty fair skin tone and her dark makeup looks amazing on her.

Then there is me. All of my friends tell me I am beautiful. I don't believe them most the time but I'm not ugly either. I have dark hair and a dark complexion. I (just like the rest of us) wear dark clothes and band tees.

We all love the same bands and have an odd obsession with Peter Pan (Hayden is the worst).


I walk down the stairs "what movie?"

"Either Peter Pan or Batman." Of course that is the only two movies we ever watch.

" I say batman"

"Batman it is!" they all say. I laugh and sit down to watch the movie.

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