Break up

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"I found a flower in my closet this morning! What did you get this Valentine Yoori?!" one of the cheerleaders asked enthusiastically while bouncing around the "Queen B" of the team , as they were warming up for their performance in the basketball match next month . The girl fixed her pink ponytail with a smug look on her face before answering .

"Ten roses."
"Shut up! For real?!"
"It's true! I saw em."
"You're so lucky!"
"Psst girls...Look what I am gonna do with that nerd Seokjin and learn from me."

"Hey Jin."
The boy looked up at her before pushing the round glasses back a little since they tend to slip all the time. Yoori snatched the book he was holding and started flipping the pages with disgust .
"A comic book? Can you be more pathetic? I pity your mother for having such a son. Oh and how is her treatment going? I heard she had cancer!"
She said it with a big smile on her face as if it was a joke while Seokjin heart crashed in a million piece.
Such an ugly soul behind her pretty face. He wanted to reply back , to slap the shit out of her but as usual he remained silent and was forced to watch her as she walked away . Victorious.

"Sorry for bieng late Jinnie! Detention as always....wait don't tell me that bitch annoyed you again!"
"Ken...Just leave her be."
"You always do that!"

"Kim Seokjin...come here." Jihoon, a big troublemaker also a bully and on top of all "Yoori's boyfriend" , called him before leaving with his gang. He knew that if he won't follow him a big problem will happen and he had his enough for today.
"Am going to see him Jin. You stay here."
"No need to Ken."
Last time Ken defended him , he ended up with a nasty purple bruise on his jaw and a ripped shirt , he doesn't want the drama to reply itself again.
"I said am going and you can't change my mind Seokjin now move those beautiful legs for me."
"Bro that was gay."
"Bro you don't know bromance codes."


"Take that thing outside. I need some privacy."
"Hell no am not moving one inch away from Jin. And I don't care even if you're a big shit in this high school ."
"Oh really? Your shoes are untied."

unfortunately Ken fell for the bully's trick and once he bent down to look at his shoes he punched him hard in the stomach then lowered his mouth to Ken's ear.
"When I tell you what you need to fuckin do you fuckin do it, clear pig?"
"Get the hell away from Ken!" Jin shouted before pushing Jihoon by his chest .
Jihoon was out of patience so he grabbed Jin's wrist then motioned for his "gang to get Ken outside.

"Finally we're alone baby."
Seokjin looked at him in confusion, what the fuck did he say and did he just call his tall ass self a baby?
Before he can react Jihoon had both arms at each side of his head , his hot breath tickling Jin's face.
"You're so fuckin gorgeous . Fuck."
"Do not come an inch closer Jihoon." Seokjin warned him while placing both arms on his hard chest In an attempt to push him away.

Yoori laughed when she heard Seokjin's frightened voice . She can't wait to see her boyfriend beating the shit out of this useless nerd and humiliating him . She even opened her camera to register his humilatoin so she can post it on the high school blog and everyone will have a good laugh. Jihoon was such a genius.

"Ha! Nerd you're getting beat-"
Words trailed off her mouth and the new phone fell from her hand , crashing hardly against the ground, it screen cracking.
Jihoon was pinning the nerd against the wall , trying to kiss him. While Seokjin looked absolutely angry and was struggling out of his grisp. Ended up spitting in Jihoon's face.

"JIHOON WHAT THE FUCK?!" she shouted making him turn his head and Jin took the opportunity to push Jihoon off him.
"Keep your voice down you loud bitch. Damn my fuckin ears."
"What were you trying to do to that nerd?! Are you cheating on me?!"
"Ha bitch please. You were in my friend's bed last night."
"WHAT?! Am still a virgin you asshole! I was waiting for you!That's it! We're done!"
Yoori felt humiliated to the bone. She was supposed to witness Jin's humiliation not the other way around.

Without further do, she left while crying, willing to get her revenge back from Jin... He stole her boyfriend and witnessed her humiliation ...that fuckin nerd.


"Hey honey. How was your day?"
"....Tiring eomma. How was yours?"
"Amazing baby! The doctor said am showing an improvement. It's a slow one and I don't want to get my hope high but still !"
"You're going to make it mom...I know that."
"Aego my Jin knows the future."
"By the way...they sent you a new bouquet of flowers. Damn my baby is too handsome everyone love him."
He smiled and sent her a flying kiss and she pretended to swoon , turning his smile into a laughter.

"I hope I live to see more of your smile baby."

________________________ to be continued....

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