Chapter 1:Zedge's will to fight

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Zedge:Ha! Grrrr. Ya! Ha!
Josh:Zedge what are you doing buddy?
Josh:For what?
Zedge:I'm gonna fight with you.
Josh:Zedge I hate to say this but you can't fight right now. Your much too young.
Zedge:Papa please let me fight that bad guy.
Josh:I said no. Look Zedge I know you wanna protect everyone but Saiki is too powerful. Please understand. You are too young to fight him.
Zedge:Papa please. I gotta punch the guy who hurt my friends!
Josh:Zedge I'm sorry but-
Yuko:Just let him try dad.
Josh:Huh? Yuko.
Yuko:I know your worried but I can help him get stronger. I trained Magilou didn't I? So I can train him as well.
Josh:Zedge what do you wanna do?Fight or wait and help with the last villain?
Zedge:I wanna fight! I have to beat the heck out of that guy who hurt Magilou!
Yuko:Zedge listen leave Saiki to Magilou but you can help us fight his army ok?
Zedge:I don't care who I fight as long as I can fight.
Yuko:Ok. Dad I'm not gonna leave this time me and Zedge will train here.
Josh:Ok. Zedge you listen to Yuko ok?
Zukio:Actually I'd like to train him.
Yuko:Can you do it?
Zukio:Please trust me.
Yuko:Do your best bro.
Zukio:Alright Zedge put em up.
Zukio:First thing in combat don't let the adrenaline get to you. When in a fight make sure to look for an opening and...boom!
Zedge:(Punches Zukio's palm) Like that?
Zukio:Yeah like that. Now this time let me have it.
Zedge:Are you sure big bro?
Zukio:Yeah just punch as hard as you can right here in the jaw.
Zedge:Ok. Ha!


Zedge:I'm sorry.
Zukio:No you don't have to be sorry buddy.
Josh:Yeah keep that up and combat wise you should be good.
Zukio:Now try your powers.
Zedge:Ok. (Summons Ice)
Josh:So he's an ice mage.
Zukio:I thought you knew that.
Yuko:Weren't you the one who created him?
Josh:Yeah but I didn't know what kind of mage he'd turn out to be. Tomorrow will be the time so be ready guys.
Yuko, Zukio, and Zedge:Right!

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