Our Fall Maiden?

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Professor Ozpin stood up as he heard the elevator door open to reveal General of Atlas, James Ironwood. Professor Goodwitch stood near Ozpin's desk turning her head to see her old friend. Qrow Branwen leaned against the wall in the far right corner of the room raising his eyes to meet Ironwood's. The tall black-and partly white-haired man opened his mouth to speak.

"Ahem, Ozpin I don't have much time so I'd rather you'd make this meeting quick." He adjusted his tie nervously. He had somewhere to be, though it was on personal matters.

"Of course." Said the white haired man. "First and for most, I want to thank you both for coming on such short notice."

"Sure." Qrow spoke. "Can ya get on with it?"

Glynda glared at Qrow for being so rude. 

"Indeed. I have gathered you all here to discuss the Fall Maiden." Ozpin took a sip of his coffee.

"Go on." General Ironwood spoke with slight irritation.

"Fall was attacked by some of Salem's allies. Thankfully, Qrow was there to rescue her. However.... Fall is slowly dying. Glynda and I are keeping her alive but not for very much longer. We fear that her last thoughts will be of Salem or one of her henchmen. We do have a solution to this, although it is...."

"Pardon?" Ironwood asked curiously.

Glynda sighed and looked at the floor. "We are able to choose a strong young woman to tell of the situation, if she chooses to, she could transfer Fall's soul into her body causing her to become the Fall Maiden. The issue is... the young lady will most likely loose her own life." Glynda faced the ground and frowned at the thought of making a young girl make such a difficult decision.

Qrow immediately pushed away the idea of his nieces becoming the Fall Maiden. 'No way is that happening.' He thought to himself.

Ironwood was the first to speak. "What about Winter?" He asked.

"As the Maiden?" Glynda clarified.

Qrow's bottom lip quivered at the thought of Winter fighting Salem's allies. "No." He spat boldly.

Ironwood raised an eyebrow. "Why, if I may ask?" 

Qrow held back the truth. "Winter's not strong enough, she barely managed to get a hit on me when we fought. If she can't keep up with me, then she's hopeless in a fight with Salem's slaves. Besides that short temper of hers doesn't do her any good." He rolled his eyes for emphasis.

Ozpin gave a confused expression as Glynda was a bit angry that Qrow seemed to doubt Winter so much.

Ironwood was angrier though, as his tone switched to stern and cold. "Are you claiming this because you think she cannot handle being the maiden, or because you have romantic feelings for her?"

Ozpin and Glynda's eyes widened as well as Qrow's.

"Oh, it's always something personal with you ins't it James?" His voice became bolder as he spoke. "I thought you had a little more respect than that." Ozpin and Glynda looked at each other in shock, having no clue as to what to do in this moment.

"Ahem," Cleared a throat, coming from the now opened elevator. "My apologies for interrupting your meeting General."

Qrow panicked a little, seeing Winter all of the sudden made him slightly nervous.

Ironwood stepped over to Winter, lowering his voice. "I told you to wait in the airship."

"Of course, however there was an issue with the airship's engine. The pilot requested I let you know immediately." Winter stood in her usual, formal pose with her arms folded behind her back and her spine straight.

Ironwood sighed and looked back at Ozpin.

Ozpin and Glynda looked at each other for a few seconds, then nodded at each other. "You are excused." Ozpin spoke with a smile. "Although I would like to speak with Ms. Schnee for a moment."

Ironwood nodded and stepped into the elevator. 

Ozpin glanced at Qrow and Glynda then back at Winter. "Alone." He said doing his best not to sound demanding.

Qrow frowned and stepped toward the elevator. He and Winter shared a glance before he stood on the opposite side of the elevator as Ironwood. He had given Winter a sad look as Winter gave him a confused one. 

Glynda walked in between the two, making sure they wouldn't get into another heated argument.

The elevator closed as Winter turned to face Ozpin as he smiled brightly.

"What's your favorite bed time story?" 



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