How i got sick

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One day I woke up and felt weird I felt myself and I was fine few days passed by and noticed more of my hair fell out and I was getting skinny and I just thought I was running a lot and losing my hair cause of stress but I told my parent and they took me to the doctor one day and I was diagnostic with cancer... at first I didn't believe it but after all.. it was true in the car my mom and dad and me were sobbing being worried I would die one day.

Once I told my friend they started crying the teachers asked me why they were crying and I told my teacher what I had and she shed couple of tears I could see she had more coming just wanted to be strong in front of her students and look professional in front of her students I guess. Knowing this would kill me mad me supper depressed thinking any of these days could be my last day when my cancer got didn't help that I got bullied a lot in school lately.the girls found out what I had and they kinda went gentle on me a little once all my hair fell out I started putting wigs on so I looked like I still had hair. In my school people have really long hair and people with short hair get bullied for some reason and guess who bullies me the popular girls with long hair.they act nice around their other good friends but when we're alone like walking home they live together cause they are sisters and their my neighbors to. Their rude to me! I don't know what their deal is but I was getting really mad the first two weeks they bullied me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2019 ⏰

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