CH 1 : Missing You

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"So who is this girl that seems to obviously have you smiling in every picture taken by the paparazzi?" Chanel asked. I laughed at the fact she, a woman who just met me, noticed something like that. But then again, I thought as I looked over at the photo, I was smiling pretty damn hard. I guess that's what she does to me.

"I have no idea what you're talking about Chanel. It was just a very wonderful day in California and-" Jordan cuts me off realizing everything I was saying was complete bullshit.

"Oh please cut the bullshit. At least give us a name, an Instagram name, I mean how'd you meet this young lady?"

I did a very nervous laugh realizing I definitely couldn't just walk out of this topic giving nothing away. She's going to murder me with her bare hands when she finds out.

"Her name is Jailyn," I finally say after a minute of over thinking and rethinking my soon to be death. They all smirked realizing they broke me. Fuck me. I did have people tell me this was either gonna be the funniest interview or cut throat interview of my career. Hot 91.8 did bring the heat and ask real questions and held nothing back as I've seen in previous interviews.

"Where'd y'all meet?" Chanel asked intently tapping her acrylic nails on her beats headphones.

"She's an old friend I knew from way, way back before I was "G-Eazy" and she's just been there for me throughout this entire process. She's also at the top of the list with my mom when I finally can say I made it. Buying her, her dream car is definitely #3 on my list," I laugh and Chanel awe's at my confession.

"She must mean a lot to you to be giving her a freaking car! And just saying here, no pressure or anything, but you can definitely buy me a car anyday sweetheart," she says in a joking but I'm dead serious manner.

"Will do."

"Don't give her nothin'," Jordan says, "Little greedy ass. Anyway, are y'all more on the down low with y'all relationship, are y'all even in a relationship cause I haven't heard you call her your girl once, just saying though," he puts his hands up in a defensive position. Nosey asses catching me slipping like this. I'm so dead.

"I mean she hates attention and prefers to not be pushed into the lifestyle I live so yeah she wants to be kept a secret. And our relationship is well complicated to say the absolute least."

"You hit yet?" Jordan asks bluntly. Chanel slaps his arm.

"He can't tell you that that's private and has to do ONLY with him and her," she says and I nod along with her zipping my lips.

"Well then I guess this topic is dead," he says with a sigh. I laugh but on the inside I knew not only was this topic dead but so was I.



After one of the funniest and deadliest interviews I've ever had my hand is on my phone immediately and when I unlock my phone I see multiple texts, calls, and voicemail. Someone's persistent.

I walk out of the building after hanging with the Hot 98.1 crew a little bit and I'm welcomed by fans begging me for pictures. I pose with a couple girls, sign some pictures, and say some sincere I love you too's until I'm being urgently pushed into the back of a car. I'm being taken to another interview and then another one until I have a little free time for lunch and a fucking nap.

I pick up my phone and dial the number; her number. She picks up on the second ring. She's so whipped.

"What the fuck did you think you were doing Gerald? Are you fucking insane?" she whisper yells through the phone. She must be at the preschool. 

"Hello to you to beautiful, nice to hear you voice. You miss me so much? I miss you too."

I can almost hear her blush and smile through the phone. The magic that is me. "Cut the shit G. Why did you have to say anything? I like normal life. Its nice, might not smell as great as yours but I can deal with that!" She continues to blabber on in that addicting voice of hers.

"Babe I gave a first name not your first, middle, last, your email address, your actual address, or an Instagram name. There are plenty of people with the name Jailyn. Chill." I say hoping she calms down.

"I can't go through what you go through G, the lights and cameras and people always around I just can't," Her voice has a touch of sadness.

"Look it's all gonna be okay I promise," I say in a hushed voice.

"You don't know that for sure thou-" I cut her off.

"Do you know who I am? I am The G-Eazy. Baby girl at least at like you got a clue," I say smearing on the charm.

She laughed at my cockiness. "Whatever Mr. Eazy. When are you bringing your scrawny as-butt back home?" I could hear kids waking up in the background which meant we'd have to get off the phone soon.

"Soon hopefully. I know you can't go long without having me in your California King bed," I said smirking.

"Brandon you can't have anymore cookies you've already had 2 today and it's not even 2 o'clock." I took the phone away from my ear and checked to make sure it was still Jailyn I was talking to on the phone.

"Uh Jay?"

"Oh sorry. Look G I gotta go but I'd really like an actual date. I'll text you and hopefully we can Facetime tonight...?" She suggests.

"And hopefully later I can give you one. I'll talk to you later babe."

"Alright bye superstar." She hangs up the phone.

I stare at her contact photo. It was of the two of us junior year at a football game. She was wearing this amazing daisy dress with one of my bucket hats she stole from my room. Damn I miss her ass. It's been a while since we've seen each other but we talk almost everyday. Seeing and feeling her is just different then texting and having her flash me through Facetime. Can't wait for tonight.

"Hey Jill when's my next day off?" I asked my assitant. I open my calendar app on my phone so I can countdown the days till I can sleep in.

"Hmm so Jailyn's missing you already?" She laughed. I rolled my eyes realizing she probably heard our entire conversation. I got nosey asses all around me huh?

"Date Jill," I say getting irritated.

"Okay, okay I see November 13th through the 30th." She says looking on her iPad.

I set in the date on my calendar then texted Jailyn the details. She texts back and says

"Good. Now i can really start planning ur surprise ;) ."

I smirked and texted back,

"What surprise?"

She replied saying you'll see, trying to keep it a mystery. She better not be spending any money on me. She hardly has money now I don't need her spending the little fun money she does have on me.

We arrive at the Real Rap Raw magazine headquarters. Fans were waiting outside but we had to go through the parking garage if we wanted to make it on time. I turned my phone on silent after texting Jailyn for the very last time and slipped it back in my pocket. I was given the run down on how the next couple hours was going to go as we made our way to the top floor.

Getting out of the elevator I was immediately welcomed by the woman that was going to be interviewing me today. She had her bright red hair in a bun and was wearing half a shirt and leggings with a pair of Jordan's. She was fine as hell but could never compare to Jailyn.

"Welcome Mr. G-Eazy to Real Rap Raw. Let's talk about the cover shoot we wanted set up with you," She said leaning down a little bit so her boobs were showing.

Here we go.

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