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A small child sat on a bench playing with his stuffed bunny quietly while waiting for his mother to finish her shift. Wild black hair with green tips and bright green eyes that he inherited from his mother. He aslo inherited her pale skin and round face that had freckles under his eyes. If one were to compare him he took after his mother and you could barley see any of his father in him.

Izuku midoriya stood up bored and decided to wonder the ward. He knew this place like the back of his hand having been here so many times. The six year old having been treated for burns and cuts from his run in with bullies. He had been a late bloomer, it was only six months ago that he got his quirk.

It was a weak quirk though or that what he was told.

He had wings but they were small and weak.

Izuku mind wondered to his once best friend kasuki bakugo who was his main bully. He made it a point to let him know he was worthless.

As izuku was stuck in his thoughts he wondered into the coma ward. He was knocked out of his thoughts when he heard a machine go off. Izuku alert looked to the sorce and found a woman dressed as a nurse with dark hair and dark blue eyes that had bags under them. She held a needle in one hand. Whatever substance was in there was gone. Izuku eyes landed on a elderly man who looked about in his late 60s lay unbreathing. Izuku,was a smart kid hell actually intelligent for his,age and his mind had already come to the answer.

The nuse now just noticing him standing behind her turned and gave a small surprise noise.

Izuku stilled. He just witness a crime, a murder no less. He was about to,run but couldn't. His legs wouldn't move. He stared wide eye at the needle.

The nurse he read her name tag now that he had a full view of her was named Naomi

There was a mad gleam in her eyes. " he needed saving " she said. Izuku was suddenly aware there was strings around his wrist and neck cutting deep into his skin. Blood drip slowly down his neck as he accidentally moved his head the wrong way. This must be her quirk. Now it explained why he couldn't move. He was about to go into fan mode but then remember the situation.

She was in front of him now , eye level. " now you won't say a word now will you " she smiled but it seemed off like she had to mimic the expression. All he did was shake his head. He was scared but there was a part of him that was morbidly curious of what she meant. If she was a villain why would she claim to be saving the man? " what do you mean saving?" he risk asking her.

The needle was dangerously close to his eye now. Naomi studied him silently before answering.

" He was suffering, brain dead for ten years but his family still holding on hope that he will wake up. I did them and him and a favor. " she said face blank. No emotions what so ever. Her eyes were dead. Izuku stared at her. He knew it wasn't right but he felt he understood her logic. He looked down eyes shadowed by his hair. " i understand " he said. Naomi narrowed her eyes. Before she could say anything her eye caught the clock. Ten minutes had passed. Someone should be headed this way by now. She released the her quirk, freeing the boy of her binds.

" do not,say a,word or ill kill,everyone you consider close. " she warned and izuku quickly nodded knowing she would.

Five months

That was how long she got away with killing twenty five patients before anyone took notice. Izuku watched as heroes lead a handcuffed Naomi out the front. All might was there himself.

Maybe five months ago he would of been excited to see the number one hero. But izuku could care less for the man. He and Naomi had bonded. She had taught him everything she knew from knives to poisons. She even helped him with his quirk. His wings were growing abit slow but they were getting stronger and bigger.

All might had a small frown on his face as he watched the villain that he been tracking for three years now who was known as the angel of death. She killed at least a hundred that they know of. Why? He would never know.

Dead blue eyes looked at him and he shuddered but then he realized she was looking behind him. He turned to see a child no older than six with small dark green wings. He wore a green stitched bunny hoodie and was also holding a green stitched bunny to his chest. Wild green hair poked out of his hoodie. What scared all might no toshinori yagi was the boys eyes.

They were green.

They were dead green dulled and looked blank like there was no life in them.

Like the angel of death

Before all might could step forward the boy turned and ran disappearing into the crowd of civilians and news reporters.

All might had a bad feeling that wouldn't be the last of him.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2019 ⏰

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