finding myself

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spencer grow up with schizophrenia and she got sick when she was young when she had spencer and her sister his mother got marry 3 time that day and had 2 miscarriage  then she married  to mr. sampson and reid had a sister name cindy sampson  after that reid sister when off and was a private eye and spencer finish up high school and got three degrees  and  he live in vegas his whole life.

 when reid was twenty-one he went to the las vegas bar and sat down  then he look up and knows a friend of his from high school her name was katy she had short blonde hair and light blue eye she wear a short shirt with it tie in the back and she had a belly button ring and  hole pants and converse on  and she had five ear piercing  on each side of her ear her farther and mother was a heroin  addict and her brother was a crack head along with his girlfriend with was four month pregnant with her eight son  and her twin sister was both smoker.

"hey spence , how's it going  haven't seen you much around here ?" katy said cleaning here last two cup and watch old people  dance and laugh at them falling as they ride on skate and  make- out.

" yeah i now my mother not filling good  and my sister wouldn't text me back " spencer said as he watches the girl sitting across from him wearing glass  get up and come over to the bar to order another drink.

" can i have another scotch on the rock " lindia said as she stare at me for a minute and smile and then grab her drink and when to go sit back down next to her computer and put back on her glass and then look back up again.

spencer got up and order another drink and walk over to her table as he look at her he recognize  how she look her hair was pull back and she wear and blue dress and had small ear ring in and wear heels and wear pink lipstick  and her hair was light brown and  short like boy hair  and her eye were so beautiful then i sat down .

" hey ? what your name?" spencer said trying to come off to flirting on her because right now he look like a rapes  and he didn't want her to run away like all the other girl did to him before.

" hey , i'm lindia barnes" lindia said holding out her hand she didn't want this guy to leave he was kind of  cute and she want to see were this goes but she didn't want him to be a creep like the other guys she went out with.

" i'm spencer reid , i have three phDs  and i have a iQ of 187  and i like book and i love crime i just submit my transfer into the fbi , i rambling aren't i " spencer said blushing looking at the girl in front of him.

" no your fine  i'm  joining  nsa  and your good " linda said holding  his hand and watching him blushing and then she blushing them also and then there eye meet  and they both could say anything.

 a couple day later  spencer join the fbi and keep dating linda in secret and  he had friend and family and he when on date with lindia every single day  and had five anniversary and now there  having sex together  but a year later she never text him again and spencer get worry then  at his own work he having problem  where  his team is lie to him and keeping secret also behind that his last girlfriend die and him mentor die .

spencer  not a fbi agent anymoreWhere stories live. Discover now