Chapter 1

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Louis POV

„Louis honey, it's time to get up, first day of school". I groaned and turned around, not wanting to get up for school. „Leave me alone", I grumbled and pressed my face in the pillow. „Either you will get up now or you have to look yourself how you'll get in the chair because I have to go to work soon". „Okay, okay, I'm up", I said while getting up and rolled to my bedside. „Okay, one, two, three,go !", mom said while she lifted me up and put me in the wheelchair. „I have to go, Mr. Simons will pick you up at 8 as usual, breakfast is on the table, have fun in school, goodbye", she said while giving me a kiss on the cheek. „Bye Mom". I heard the door shutting. After I rubbed my eyes and stretched my arms I rolled through my room to my closet. I opened it and took out a shirt and some jeans. Putting the shirt on quickly I leaned down to put on my jeans. This always took forever so I was kind of glad my mom woke me up a little bit too early so I had surely enough time to get ready.

In the kitchen I grabbed the bowl of cereal my mom made and ate them slowly sience I had over an hour left before Mr. Simons came to pick me up. After I tossed the bowl in the sink I rolled back into the bathroom, brushed my teeth and styled my hair in a quiff. Exactly at 8 I heard the door bell ring so I made my way tot he front door. „Morning Louis, ready for school?", Mr. Simons asked me as he swung my schoolbag over his shoulder and wheeled me to his car. „I just need to get the belt for your wheelchair from the frontseat.", he said and went to get it. Mr. Simons is like my personal driver, he used to be our neighbour and had a big car where you could take the seats out and a little ramp so it was perfect for driving with a wheelchair without actually getting out of it. „Are you nervous for your first day at school?", he asked as we drove off. „No, not really, it's my last year and it's not like I just moved here or something so I already know everyone". He just nodded and we spent the rest oft he drive in silence. „Some new neighbours asked me if I could pick up their kid too, they just moved here and apparently he's blind so it's very difficult for him to drive with th school bus and I thought, why not, since I drive you every day and he's in the same school". - „Uhm okay, that's really nice of you", I said, not really knowing why he just told me, it's his buisness, not mine. „Have a great day", he waved and drove off.

New year, same shitty people", I thought and rolled to the doors. They made a ramp only form e and my wheelchair, how nice of them. „Tommo, wait up!" I heard a voice yelling behind me. „Walk faster then, Malik", I laughed, not even bothering to turn around since I exacly knew who that was. „Gosh dang it, since when can you wheel so fast?", he said out of breath. „Always could Malik", I responded and finally looked at him. Zayn didn't really change over holidays, only his hair got a bit longer so he couldn't put it in a quiff anymore. „And, how were your holidays?", he asked and got behind me to push the chair. „Boring as always, couldn't do much with this shit", I answered and smacked the armrest. „Well, mine was amazing, I went to visit my grandparents and their neighbours had their grandson visiting as well, he was hot as fuck. We got close, if you know what I mean, that boy is an animal in bed, I swear." I laughed and turned around to look at him, he had a big smirk on his lips. „And did you get to know more of him beside his Penis?" He hit me right in the shoulder. „Of course I did, I'm not the one night stand type of person, you know that!", he scolded. „His name is Liam and he's from Wolverhampton. Short brown hair and puppy brown eyes, i'm sure you would've liked him too" - „Too bad I didn't got to know him", I said and leaned back.

„Do you still need to get your books from your locker?", Zayn asked and I nodded. "Good because me too." Since we had our lockers right beside eachother I didn't have to ask other students for help with getting my books, Zayn always got them for me. "What's your first class?" - "Maths I think, i'm not quite sure actually." He laughed as we made our way through the crowd, Zayn always tells me I have a small brain because I keep forgetting which classes I have and stuff like that. "And now a sharp turn to the le..",

Zayn couldn't even finish his sentence because we bumped into someone with such force. I didn't wear my belt in the wheelchair that day which means I got basically dropped out of it on the hard ground. I groaned when pain shot through my arm, I landed right on it. "I-I'm so sorry", I heared someone stutter infront of me. "It's alright", Zayn said calming and kneeled down next to me. "No it's fucking not", I hissed, the pain in my arm was unreal so I closed my eyes. "I-I didn't see you there I-I'm so sorry..."- "It's fine, really, Louis here is just a drama queen", Zayn calmed the guy down again. "Could you help me up again at least?", I asked annoyed, I was still laying on the ground and couldn't move my legs obviously. "Oh yeah sure, sorry bro", Zayn said and helped me back in the wheelchair again.

Now I finally had time to look at the kid who bumped into me. He was tall, had a mop of curly hair and was wearing a pair of shades. "Probably one of those jocks again, thinking they're cool because they wear sunglasses inside but in reality they just look stupid. He also had some weird white stick in his left hand. I didn't know if that was some type of new fashion trend or anything but I didn't care, my arm hurt and we were already late for class. "Let's go Zayn", I urged, I didn't wanna spend more time with this guy than necessary. "See you around", he told the kid, I just kept quiet.

As soon as they guy was out of sight Zayn looked at me and smirked. "What?", I asked annoyed, knowing that he was thinking of something dirty. "That guy looked nice though, didn't he? And that ass." I just rolled my eyes and turned around again. "Stop it Zayn, you have that Liam boy already, leave the poor guy alone". He smacked me in the shoulder. "Not for me, for you dumbass." - "For me? Are you serious? The guy basically made me fly out of my wheelchair! Thank you but no thank you, I don't need that." - "Whatever you say Louis", he said and we made our way to class.

So I actually wrote this chapter a few months ago I think but never uploaded it. I dont know if I should even start with this story so i'd would mean alot to me if someone could tell me what they think about it.

I'd like to apolozige for my typos and writing mistakes aswell since english isnt my first language.

Peace out girls scout


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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2015 ⏰

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