Entwy 1

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You tan tall me Jonni.
I'm thwee yeaors old and I got to highscool
Today we tooks our spwing pictures and I made sure to dwess up and wook  pweety for dem
Big me tinks she is ugwy but she not
I has awot of fwiends. Some of dem know about my wittle space. I has a caregiver who takes very good care of me. I wuv her sooo much.
Big me is 15 and will be 16 in November

I gots home at awound 4 o'cwock and immediatewy went to my woom and jumped on my bed hugging my biiiig dog stuffie who I named Boris
My oder stuffies are Madison, BunBun,  Pancham, Pengu, Pengi, Sweetums, Newwy (Nelly) Lamb Moder and doter,  Dotty and Diamond
Aftor dat I cowerd in my Hewwo Kitty coloring book wistening to my wittle space pwaywist
For dinner I had Chicken Nuggets and Mac n' Cheese den I got sweepy and went to beds

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2019 ⏰

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