Chapter 1: Fate

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Hello! This is Eraga and this is my diary. I'm supposed to record my experiences when I turn thirteen and yesterday was my birthday. It's a law here on Grama. Lucky me!

Day -10 of the Regionals: The adults are talking about the upcoming Planetary Star Games, or PSG as some kids call it. Every ten years, on January 2, 100 kids are randomly selected by the AI that rules the galaxy, Proma Beta. Proma Beta then sends those kids to a specific planet reserved for this called the PBPSG planet, even though everyone just says the Killing Field. The Killing Field changes every year and almost all of them bad. The Killing Field always takes the place of a planet.

There was a time where it resembled Greya, the volcano planet. Everyone died that year. Oh, and that time where the Killing Fields morphed into Gramarye, the destructive planet. I heard that they had to send the SafBots to clean up their ashes, so they could have a proper funeral. Let's not forget the time when it turned into Tesla. Half the kids died by getting hit by lightning. Like, seriously though, lightning? You don't even want to know about the rest of the planets.

I wonder what it will be like. Getting raised into a platform, killing people, being free. It sounds terrible. I wish that I will never be one of those people to be senselessly murdered. Besides, who wants to be free? And the stupidest people aren't the ones that run away and get executed, no, it's the people that want to be in there. They volunteer to be in there, to save someone. Like, come on, it's one thing to help your friend, but it's another thing to die for them. 

All I hope is that Liliana and I don't get picked. We are 16, but there are so many other kids on Grama. Liliana's my twin sister. I think you should already know this Mrs. Impyrean. That should be enough words for me to get a C. Look!

Word Count: 344

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2019 ⏰

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