Part I

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Part I

North's Point of View

A wave of apprehension swam over North as he looked at his calendar. No. Not already. Can it be? Yes. The dreaded day was today. Today was the first day of the fourth month of the year. Bunnymund's least and Jack's favorite holiday: April Fool's Day.

Tooth fluttered in from the hole in the ceiling. She was just as worried as he. "Tooth! I just found out what today is." "When I saw the calendar I came here as fast as I could." "Where is Sandy?" "He should be on his way. North, what are we gonna do? Remember what happened last year?"

North nodded, remembering the brightly colored yetis and frozen elves. "Yes. But I'm worried just about Bunny. He pulled a good one last year and Jack has good memory." He realized the irony of his words as he noticed Sandy floating over, laughing.

North couldn't help but smile, remembering the comical look of Jack Frost with dark purple hair, yellow skin, a pink sweatshirt, and orange pants. He didn't know how the rabbit had done it, but he did. The boy's face when he realized what happened had been precious, and North was both curious and cautious of what was to happen this year.

"Sandy! Yes, that was very funny. BUT I want to stay out of it this year." "I agree." Tooth said, turning from her fairies. Thoughtfully, North stroked his beard. "But how?" He asked. A light bulb appeared above Sandy's head, and he floated towards the globe.

Too late, North realized what the Sandman was doing. "Sandy! No!" Already the Northern Lights were shining above them. Tooth grinned. "Great idea Sandy! We can talk them out of it!" Santa rubbed his face with his right hand. "No. Not good idea! Remember what happened last time they were both here on this day?"

The other two glanced at each other. "And since when does Jack not pull pranks? Especially today? I'm surprised he hasn't pulled one yet." North sighed in frustration, but gave up. The two were probably on their way already, he'd better make the most of his time.

"Phil. Dingle. Get everyone and toys out of here as fast as possible. There is going to be trouble." Phil ran off, grunting to the other yetis as Dingle gave him a salute. Tooth and Sandy flew high into the rafters while North scrutinized the progress in front of him. Finally, after a few good minutes of scrambling, everything was coming into place, North barking out orders when he felt it was needed.

In truth, North loved watching Bunny and Jack prank each other. The wonder and joy it brought to the other Guardians was good, but only if it was well away from the Pole. Now, thanks to Sandy, the tornado of turmoil was heading their way. Oh, the joy.

Eventually, the controlled chaos was dying down as toys and tools exited the room. North sighed again as an elf tripped, spilling cookies all over the floor. Sometimes the elves could drive him crazy. Tooth and Sandy lowered their altitude, a little surprised at how fast the place had been cleaned up. It only took about 20 minutes.

North frowned, looking about him. "Where are Jack and Bunny?" Tooth was about to answer when a yell came from above. They looked up to see Jack belly flop on the floor, groaning. Usually, they would have shot forward, but this time something stopped them.

"Bloody show pony." A thickly accented voice emitted from Jack as he pushed himself off of the floor. North narrowed his eyes as the boy squatted down, almost tipping over. "Oh, when I get my paws on that overgrown snowflake I'll-" Just then Bunnymund flopped to the ground next to him, groaning. Jack's staff clattered next to him.

The young voice of Jack resonated from the furry body. He sat up, looking around him, and grinned. But before anyone could do or say anything, the teenager was tackling the animal. "What the bloody hell, Frost?! What did you do to me?!" He struggled to move, being used to his large paws, but was able to successfully pin the animal down.

Coughing from being in a headlock, what seemed to be Jack sputtered his reply. Nobody heard it, though, because the other three Guardians were laughing. Tooth was lying on her back, hiccupping from her laughter. Sandy was silently chuckling from where he was, obviously entertained with the comical sight.

North, meanwhile, was holding his belly and throwing back his head. His thick laughter engulfed the room, finding the situation hilarious and rather confusing. This was definitely better than last year. But how did this happen, he wondered. He watched in amusement as what seemed to be Jack and Bunny awkwardly wrestled with each other, being used to their own bodies. Finally, he decided he should break up the fight.

He grabbed Jack's body, who was now on the rabbit's back, and watched humorously as the boy flailed his arms and legs. "Let me at him! Let me at him!" The Australian voice screeched. North laughed again, putting the teenager down. The rabbit gave him a grateful look.

North glanced from one to the other, still piecing things together. He looked at Jack, asking, "Bunny?" "Yeah." The Aussie voice replied. North turned to Bunnymund. "Jack?" "Yep." "Ok, now that's settled. Jack is Bunny and Bunny is Jack." They both nodded as Tooth grinned at Sandy.

"Now, let's settle this. WHAT IN MOON'S NAME HAPPENED?!" North stepped forward to stand beside his fellow normal Guardians. Immediately the pair began talking at once, trying to explain what happened. The other three glanced at each other, smirks across their faces.

"Alright, that's enough!" Tooth said. She looked at Jack (Bunny). "Ok, Bunny, what happened?" "I woke up to work on my eggs and I was like this!" He pointed to the body he was stuck in. "Easter is in two weeks and if I don't finish them," he pointed at Bunny (Jack), "I'm blaming YOU for this!"

North couldn't help but smile again as they resumed their bickering. "ALRIGHT!" He gave a pointed look at Bunny (Jack). "Jack, what did you do?" "Weeeeell," he started, putting his new paws behind his back. "A week ago I remembered what happened last year. Soooooooo, I decided to pay a visit to an old friend of mine."

He stopped talking, a smirk coming across the rabbit's face. "And who is friend?" North asked, waving him on. "Oh, no one." Oh, he was playing this game. "Jack," Tooth said, giving him a warning. He rolled his eyes, but ignored her as he took an awkward step towards his staff.

Jack (Bunny) glared daggers at his old body. "Tell us who it is, already! Frost, if you don't-" Bunny (Jack) turned to him. "Don't get off your bike, shorty!" He said with his best Australian accent. "Oh, are you making fun of me? Why I oughta-" "BUNNY!" Tooth and North shouted, getting irritated. He grumbled, crossing his skinny pale arms.

Everyone looked at the rabbit beside him, curious to learn who had done this. Bunny (Jack) gave them a lopsided grin again, happy to have the attention despite being stuck in his friendly rival's body. "Well?" North said. "Oh, it's nobody, really. It was just the April Fool."

The April Fool? Oh, North should've guessed. Of course Jack went to him to trick Bunny. The Fool was the master of pranks. But, of course, there was always a catch. "So, Jack. Er, Bunny." North was still not used to talking to the new Jack. "What did you learn from this experience?"

"Uh," the rabbit laughed, "don't trust the April Fool?" Jack (Bunny) scoffed. "Oh really? I never would've guessed." Bunny (Jack) glared at him, about to rebut. North laughed, interrupting before either of them could say anything else. The Russian smiled. "So, what was deal?" "I just asked the Fool to change Bunny into like a cat or something for a while, I did NOT ask for this."

North smiled, his eyes twinkling. "Ok this is funny. Good one, Jack." "Thank you." Bunny (Jack) took a flamboyant bow, only to be shoved over by Jack (Bunny). This made everyone else laugh. "I can't wait for this to be over." He muttered. "Well, how long until that happens?" Tooth asked as he sat up.

Then it got quiet, Bunny (Jack) giving everyone a sheepish look. After a few moments, Jack (Bunny) grabbed him by the scruff of the neck, pulling Bunny (Jack) to his face. "How long do I have to live like this, you drongo?" Bunny's (Jack) eyes fluttered around, looking rather nervous.

"Uh, 'till midnight."


Hope you enjoyed Part I!

Thanks, guys! :)

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