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Dark sniffled as he sat on the couch, starting to sweat. He went as long as he could in between injections, but couldn't resist. He went into his room to load up a syringe, then sat by his husband Joey again and put the needle in his arm. Joey notices and gives a soft scowl at his husband. The kids were playing in the living room, laughing. The oldest of the children, Lark, was sitting on the ground, reading. Joey takes a soft scoot away from his husband. Dark huffed a little.

"Joey, you know I can't go without it..." He injected slowly, sighing of relief and tilting his head back. "You should have the kids go into their rooms..." He mumbled. Joey nods and gulps.


Lark stood up quickly and gathers her siblings, rushing to their rooms and locked their doors. Joey slowly stood up as well. Dark closed his eyes as his breathing became heavier. He paused a few moments, then opened his eyes, which were all crimson now. He growled lowly, standing up and grabbing Joey's shoulders. Joey gasped and stopped moving. He stood completely still, breath catching in his throat.

“Honey..” Dark was shaking a little. He clearly didn't want to do this, but had lost almost all control of his body. Joey sucked in a breath and ran from his grasp, sprinting into the kitchen. He knew this angered Dark any time he did it, but last time, he had gotten tied up in their room - which he didn’t mind, but still. Dark growled a little and stomped after Joey, grabbing him and starting to throw him around. Joey screams as he got more bruises added onto him. He slapped his husband’s hand and tried to get away. Dark grabbed Joey again, eyes wide and a blood red. He dragged him to the bedroom, throwing him against the wall over and over again. Joey’s screams echoed through the house, as well as his pleading and begging. Lark hugged her siblings close to her and winced every time she heard her Dad get slammed into a wall. She looks at her phone and calls her boyfriend, so he can pick up her and her brothers. Dark breathed heavily as he locked the bedroom door and windows, then tied his husband's arms down to the bed and made sure that if He lifted his legs to kick Dark he would fall down. Joe widened his eyes and squirmed, fresh warm tears slipping down his face. ]

"Baby, please!" Lark was crying quietly as Daniel started to freak out. He was trying to calm her down as he drove to the house. But once he pulled up, Lark had her brothers go out first, then went out after them and got into his car, driving off quietly. Dark yanked Joey's pants down and then his underwear, before caressing his ass and smirking. Joey breathed heavily, trying to get away from Dark. Dark was much more stronger than his now tied up spouse.

"Dark, please! Please just calm down and think for a minute!" He chuckled evilly, before stopping to think and freezing. His head began to twitch back and forth before he untied you. He continued to twitch, growling and starting to talk to himself. Joey exhaled shakily, eyes closing in relief. He looks over at Dark and pulls on his underwear and pants. The male didn't move an inch. Dark rolled over onto the floor, starting to scream and yell at seemingly nobody. He twitched and wrestled around on the floor as he screamed. [I][ Joey widened his eyes and rushed to Dark, holding him. ]

"Dark! Dark, calm down, it's okay!" Dark suddenly froze and grabbed Joey's wrist, tying him up again. Joey widened his eyes when he froze, then starts fighting him but fails as he got tied up. Dark tied the blonde haired male's legs together tightly, ripping Joey's clothes off and pulling his own pants down. "Slut." He mumbled lowly. Joey stopped moving and widened his eyes. He scoffed and turned his head, looking at their marriage photo up on the wall. In the photo, Dark was smiling brightly and holding Joey's stomach, as hek had been pregnant with their first child at the time. It was before he started doing drugs. In the present, Dark took his underwear off before forcing himself into Joey and starting to rape him. Joey screams and squirmed around, taking his eyes off the picture. He cried and sobbed as he tried to shove him away by kicking him. He was glad he had tied your legs up, as he covered your mouth and moaned. Joey bit Dark's hand and started to bend his knees to his chest and squirm away. Dark growled and gagged the bound male hard.

"Try to get away or hurt me again and I'll knock you out." Joey went completely still. He relaxed but stayed tense as he nods to Dark quickly, shakily breathing. Dark started fucking him hard, pulling all the way out before slamming in balls-deep. He did this over and over again. Joey sobbed quietly into his husband's hand, yelping from the pain. Dark smirked as he went, soon cumming deep inside Joey. He untied Joey's arms, only to tie them to his body and cuddle him close as he fell asleep. Joey took shaky breaths as he tries to get out of the ropes and fails. Joey notices the shimmer of his marriage ring and cries to himself, laying his head on his pillow, staring at the moonlight. Dark held the other closely, finally calm as he slept.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2019 ⏰

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