oh yeah so highschool

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So I'm super duper fucking late on so much shit and lookey here it's already my last quarter in freshman year.

So yeah the year went by really fast, today I had just finished my second (and last) day of midterms and one final for a quarter class.

I got bullied for a while but that's whatever.
The only thing that I think super sucks about this 9th grade year is the fact that I befriended someone and a few months ago was left in the dirt for my problems that I apparently had to many of. I had actually dropped any and all contact with him back in November.

My closest friend at my school doesn't know when to shut the fuck up about me crushing on this one girl in my class so good help me on that. But I have a ton of friends compared to when I started the school year which I'm really happy about.

I had even managed to befriend a few teachers and am going to be pretty sad about leave their classes. But I'm proud to say I haven't died and am actually doing quite well with my courses.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2019 ⏰

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