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The sudden brightness of the lantern burned the woman's eyes and she almost dropped the basket in her hands. A long thin face peered out into the darkness, looking around, only to close the door when it saw the woman standing there, looking horrible with her torn clothing and ragged basket.

She stuck her dirty, bare foot in the crack of the door before the man could completely close the door, her face made a pained expression as the door slammed against her foot. The man glared at her.

"We don't want your kind here," He hissed as he tried to close the door again. She kept her foot firmly in between the door and the frame.

"Saxon, have mercy, have I fed on anyone in this village? Why should you be untrusting of me?" Her face was so miserable and pleading, Saxon dropped his glare and softened his gaze.

"Come in Evelynn, but only for a few minutes, I can't have people knowing you're here, they'll be onto me in no time."

Evelynn frowned, it had been a while since she had been to Tobias's kingdom, apparently they had increased the Hunters number.

She hurried in, looking around at Saxon's house. Evelynn instantly went over to the fireplace and began warming her fingers. Saxon cleared his throat and she turned around.

"Saxon," She said, forgetting about the fire and staring at the basket by her feet. "The Hunters are after me, I went a little to far in my feeding and killed a girl." Saxon watched, disgusted as Evelynn wrenched her hair out with her hands. "Now I've ruined my entire life and her's as well." Evelynn pulled a squirming bundle out of her basket. Saxon's eyes widened as he realized what it was.

The baby girl cooed as Evelynn held her close. "Saxon...I need someone to watch after Desdemona, they're gaining on me, I can feel it. I want Demi to have a good life and she can't have that if she's on the run from Hunters."

Saxon stared at her as she put the baby down. "And....what do you expect do?" He asked, terrified of the answer.

"I need someone I trust completely to look after her Saxon, and you-" Evelynn suddenly stopped talking, and blood came pouring out of her mouth instead of words. She crumpled to the ground, revealing a man with a bloody sword and a leering grin.

"We got her, boys!"

The man paused when he saw Saxon. "Well, what do we have here? A traitor in our mists? You're not a vampire."

"No, no I'm not, she-she was trying to attack me," Saxon stuttered, fearing for his life.

The man (presumably a Hunter) laughed. "Am I really supposed to believe that?" He ran Saxon through with his sword without a second thought. And, not even noticing the baby lying on the ground quietly, he slipped out of the window.

The baby laid there quietly, not even realizing that her mother laid next to her, dead. It was about an hour before the baby became concerned, she hadn't been fed in a while, and she was hungry. She began to cry for her mother.

Saxon's neighbor, Mazie Enora, was making cherry pie when she heard it. A soft wailing that got stronger as Mazie rolled out the pie dough. She wiped her floury hands on her apron and went outside to investigate.

It wasn't long before she located the sound, it was coming from Saxon's house. She knocked on the door. No answer.

Mazie opened the door and called for Saxon. She was met with silence, so she crept in.

Now, there are many things one expects when creeping into someone's house, but two dead bodies and a screaming baby is not one of them.

Mazie screamed and called for the guards.

The baby kept screaming so Mazie picked her up and held her close until she quieted. It was in that moment that Mazie realized that she couldn't let this poor defenseless baby get taken by the guards. She knew that the woman on the floor was a half vampire and that the baby was hers. The guards would figure that out also, the baby would get killed.

So Mazie picked up the girl and took her home before the guards came.

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