A New Desire

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Being the son of a prostitute in a conservative country such as India had its perks, realized the man looking out of the hospital window to three large, glass-covered buildings with a well-maintained and fenced garden and fountain around it. His birth was a disappointment for everyone – his mother, the neighbors, and his teachers. His mother felt that the nine months, which was the only time he was not alienated from her, had financially disabled her by limiting her opportunities in her thriving career; the neighbors and teachers never stopped accusing him behind his back, never talked to him with affection, and never called him by his name – they always called him “you, boy!” or “that child”. No one bothered to speak to him, and that is exactly what the man found to be advantageous, for he was able to devote all his time to studying – no friends distracting him, no mother stopping him from his intense study sessions that lasted till three in the morning, and with no one to be concerned about, the man had nothing stopping him from achieving great heights.

“Sir, you may go in for your check up now,” said a nurse to the man. His patronizing stare made the nurse shift uncomfortably, and she suddenly found the flooring quite interesting. Nodding slightly, he went in the doctor’s office, opening the door with authority, as if he were entering his own room. The confidence and haughtiness on the man were justified, as he had single handedly carved his empire, and was still in his late-twenties. The three buildings opposite to the hospital were proof of his achievements; others were located all over the world, in more than fifty-three countries and two oceans. “That child” had now become the richest man in India; no one dared to ignore him any more, for that child was now known as Arnav Brahman -the business tycoon, the CEO of AB industries, and the self-made man with a mysterious history.

Arnav came out of the room, lost in his thoughts and head bent down; the people around him found it so unusual, for Arnav always held his head high. They concluded that he must have some medical problem, and left him alone – not that they had any courage to have a conversation with him. In fact, Arnav was the only celebrity that the reporters did not loiter around; they were scared of him and tried to avoid him.

Arnav dismissed all his servants and went up the wide marble stairs to the third floor of the house, his bedroom. He had an unusual craving for space, and had made the entire third floor into his bedroom; of course, in the bedroom was a grand balcony, a sofa set, a large bathroom, a television that had never been turned on, and other luxuries. The glass walls were covered with mahogany curtains, making the room dark.

Arnav lay back on the bed and closed his eyes; flashbacks of his meeting with the doctor had him in a quandary. His confidence had disappeared upon seeing her face, and his knees had wobbled just like a schoolboy giving his first public speech. Her skin was flawless, with a small scar under her chin; her long hair was tied up into a ponytail that bounced every time she moved. He had been so enhanced by its bounce, that he had not remembered to pay attention to her words. It was only when he read the reports, which she quietly handed to him, that he realized the problem; he had pancreatic cancer.

Unlike other patients, he wasn’t devastated; he had been living his life robotically and had achieved everything; he didn’t care if he died, he had no reason to live. He never had a family, and he never thought of starting his own, believing that all the principled girls would feel nothing but disdain at his past, and would never accept him. He had money and looks to get him any girl he wanted, but he didn’t want a girl like his mother; he was an honest man, and did not want to spoil his remaining virtue.

His blank face had surprised the doctor, who was expecting an emotional tantrum, or any type of response. But she was quick in regaining her composure and compassionately told him to come back in a few days, when he was ready to talk about the future course of action.

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