prologue - after the war

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The war was over and yet the wounds created weren't even near to be closed. The pain, inked in everyone's flesh, seemed like a deadly poison that ravaged souls, bodies and minds. Of course a lot of wizards were relieved as the infamous and world-threatening Dark Lord had been vanquished but the mourning of the lost ones was overwhelmingly inevitable. Hogwarts destroyed, the teachers sent back every students to their parents, with the guarantee to redo their school year if pleased when the it was back on its feet. But Harry Potter had no home to return to. Hogwarts was his home. He had lost his only family and going back to the Dursley's wasn't an option. Over and above that, he didn't want to bother the Weasley's as they were grieving the death of a son, a brother, hence he made an agreement with professor -now headmistress McGonagall that stipulated he had the right to stay in the castle and in counterpart he was duty-bound to help rebuilding it. And with that, Harry spent his days helping the professors and outsiders that came to give a hand constructing back the school. And when the sun set, letting the darkness of the night invade the sky, Harry sat in the Astrology tower gazing at the stars accompanied by his thoughts and hopes for a better world.

hi guys, what about it? haha so actually it's my first time writing a drarry and a fanfiction in english. point out my mistakes if you want to, it can only make me improve. hope you'll enjoy what's coming next.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2019 ⏰

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