Lams Smut (Oneshot)

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          Alexander gently opens the front door as he came home rather late tonight. When he got inside he realized that Eliza went to visit her father tonight. He shuts the door as it creaks lightly. Hesitating, he starts to walk towards the table as there is a lightly placed note with some, cold, leftover chicken from last nights dinner. Alex reads the note, "Hello Alex! Its Eliza, I went to visit my father and I'll be home on Monday." Alex sighs, as he'll have another lonely Friday night, or so he thought.
          As he begins eating his cold, bitter chicken he hears a faint knock on the door. He walks over wondering who it could be, when he opened the door he was a little surprised to see John at the door.
           "H-Hello John what are you doing here at this time of night?" Alex stammered. He was pretty confused as he didn't plan on having company this late at night, it was already around 10pm..
           John hesitated before he had responded, "O-Oh, sorry Alex, Eliza, on her way to her fathers had told me you would've b-been alone this weekend." He paused, blushing a light pink, "She asked me if I could just make sure alright once in a while."
           Alex had been a little surprised by Eliza's words to John, "A-Are you alright? You look rather pink.."
           John didn't hesitate before answering, "Y-Yeah, It's kinda cold may I come inside?" John shivered.
           Alexander stepped out of the way to let John in. He shut the door and walked back to the table to see John finishing his chicken. Alex got a little angry at his doing but easily got over by looking at Johns adorable freckled face.. Alex got rather lost in his mind and zoned out, blushing a vibrant pink, while looking at John. John looked at Alex, wondering why he was nearly as pink as a peach, John walked over to Alex.
           Alex looked at Johns face once again before saying, "Y-Y'know John, your really cute.." Alex was nearly covering his face as he was blushing so much.
           John heard a muffled Sorry from Alex. "Y'know Alex your really really adorable," John said playing with Alex's cheeks, "I just wish-"
          Alex shushed him and motioned him upstairs. John followed Alex like a puppy following its owner. Alex creaked the door of his bedroom. He peered in and looked at the freshly made bed, which they would soon mess up. Alex hopped backwards onto the bed. John jumped on top of him, it wasn't long before Alex held Johns head and kissed him. John put his right hand above Alex's head, while his left hand unbuttoned Alex's pants. Alex moaned while kissing as John stroked his hard penis. John stopped kissing him for a moment and playfully giggled. Alex rolled him onto his back and unbuttoned Johns pants and his shirt.
          Alexander looked at Johns massive boner and laughed, "I'm not even that hard." Alex starts rubbing his dick and licked the tip of it at the same time.
          John moaned deeply as Alex soon started sucking on it. Alex giggled at John's manly moans, not after too long John had ejacuated in his mouth. Alex couldn't swallow it all as it made quite a mess..
          "Wow that was a lot... I didn't expect that from you, John." Alex giggled still stroking his dick.
          John laughed,  "Well, Alex I didn't expect you to do it so well." John let out a girly moan while Alex started kissing his neck. John could feel Alex's warm, hard, dick against his manly chest.
          Alex finished kissing his neck and pulled off John's pants and shirt. Alex also took off all his clothing. John undid Alex's girly ponytail. Alex made John sit down and Alex teased John with his ass by waving it in his face. John grabbed Alex's ass and Alex squealed like  a little girl.
          "J-John what the fuck are you doing?" Alex barely squeaked out. Alex's eyes rolled back as John began licking his ass.
           John stuck his tounge inside Alexander's ass. Alex moaned loudly as John spread his ass more by moving his tounge around within his ass. John moved Alex's ass for him to be sitting on Johns legs. Alex wiggles his ass on John's dick. John's dick stuck up in between Alex's buttcheeks. Alex rubbed his ass against his dick, teasing it once again. John stuck his dick in Alex's ass. Alex's tounge fell out in pleasure, as his eyes rolled back. John started gently, push and pull before he started going so fast Alex's ass was bright red.
           John ejacuated in Alex's ass as Alex started to calm down. Alex laughed nervously, "I didn't expect that.."
           "A-Alex I-I'm sorry I didn't think I'd do that.. Especially in your ass.." John shivered nervously.
           Alex hugged John tightly embracing him in a nice body heated hug. John pulled Alex's hair and giggled, playing with it. Alex sighed, "Are we going to get dressed or are you just gonna keep playing with my hair?"
           "Can't we do both?" John complained. He kept on playing with Alexander's hair like he was a hairstylist.
           "Cmon John lets just get dressed."

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Mar 31, 2019 ⏰

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