*** Masons POV***

(breaths deeply)



hey...its was yet again another normal day of high school, i'm in my freshman year and i'm doing pretty well, good grades , lots of friends and i'm feeling so damn confident.... other than the fact that i'm gay and only a few people know.

I guess I've been to afraid to tell others, i'm afraid of rejection i mean why tell everyone, my family knows and my best friends know so why the hell dose everyone else deserve to know, whats it to them..........


Mason!!!..Mason!.... "Masons mom yelled up the stairs".

WHAT..WHAT..MOM! whats so important? " Mason said with frustration in his voice, while standing at the top of the stairs"

Tris is here to pick you up (Masons best friend).

Okay tell her ill be down in five minutes.


DAMN WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG!!? "Tris said to be with the audacity to yell but i kinda laughed"

God damn... Tris you know that this beauty takes time. " i said with a laughed to my voice"

what beauty? where?. "shes said as if she didn't even know".

CaN We JuSt HuRy Up I WaNnA SeE McDrEaMy " i said as i blushed realizing he was just stepping out of his house as i said it"

OOOOOOHHHHHH who is that " my mom asked with a smirk on her face"

No one mom , can we just go " i said sinking into my Billie Eilish sweatshirt".

yes lets go "Tris said to me, knowing i was anxious to get to school before him"


so i sat down in my seat waiting for class to start so i decided to pull out my camcorder and record another video diary.


Hello everyone welcome back to another video entry, so as you can see i'm in vocal music ya know just another day in a life of my life.... *laugh's*..yayy.

anyway, I saw McDreamy this morning and well nothing changed i still like him like a lot....i kinda might just tell him... ha... i doubt it, but like i mean he could never find out, i'm so close to being his friend and i dont wanna ruin it so were gonna stay on the down low... oh i dont quite think i ever told u his real name.. you might wanna know so when you looked back you know who the hot jock u were into this time was.... so his name is "Justin...*smirks*..Justin Benton.

okay class today were gonna be writing a son-... Mason put the phone away..

oops OK guys gotta go ill see you later


Mason how many times do I have to tell you NO VIDEOS IN CLASS!!!.

sorry Mrs.metty




i sat at my locker awaiting my friends arrival for us to go across the street to tims so i can get an ice coffee. Then suddenly.....

Mason when are you going to tell Justin you like him? " Tris said with a skip to her walk "

im not sure i gotta get his number first....OH i know ill ask him without asking. " i said with a smile on my face".


Tris just remember what we talked about say, my friend thinks your cute and wants your number... and if he asked who say you dont know her.

ok here i go " tris said confidently".


so did you get it? " i asked with worrie in my voice"

"Tris looked at me with a sad look on her face".... Are you doubting a master of persuasion? How rude.. of course i got it.

i looked at her with one of those looks that could kill if looked could really kill and said " damn its so hard to hate you right now"

so...are you gonna like....text him or? " tris said"

yeah let me see here.....

( M = Mason.... J= Justin)

M- typing...

M- hey.

ok i did it.... i said hey now we wait for a respo..*DING DING*..oh damn that was fast " i said grasping my phone discreetly judging the fact that hes two booths down from us at tim's"


OMG he said ......


hey guys so sorry i ended like this, i kinda need to keep the people who read this wanting more. i should be posting once a week so im hoping monday.   see you guys then. i hope you guys enjoyed the first part of FORBIDDEN LOVE.

OH and this WAS NOT edited i dont have anyone or the time so i hope you guys were not bothered by it.

- Matthe

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