chapter 1

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Inside a local pub, with it dim lights, their were very few people. One young man in perticular sat in the bar section drinking a corona, and next to him their were two already empty bottle. His long raven hair tied into a braid he wor a gray undershirt and black pants. Slamming his bottle down on the counter he groaned. Behind him their was suddenly noise of somone clearing  their throat.Turing his head he noticed who it was (a frind of his). it was a man his age whith gray hair sliked back  with a single small brade dangaling. He also had elabret tattoos on both of his arms. The man then took a seat next to him "A man only drinks like that wene hes about to kiss a woman or kill a man, So witch is it mate?" He asked then the raven haird man turned to him.

“Aster, man i’m screwed I gotten myself into a fucked up situation and I don't know what to do" he said. Facing down with worried eyes. 

“What happened? What on earth did you do Noah?” Aster asked. 

“Remember my Baby brother the one I told you about?” he asked, Aster nodded  

“Well he just called telling me he got a scholarship ,full ride, to my old college and will coming to town soon to move into his dorm” Noah said.

“wow he’s now able to come to one of the most elite universities, Thats horrible how could you let this happen” Aster said in a voice dripping with sarcasm.

“SHUT IT!  It’s not that, I just…never told my family that I dropped out that, that I’ve been crashing at a friends dorm till i earn enough money to get my own place…that I disappointed them” he said his voice filled with sadness 

“Im so sorry to hear that man.... what are you going to do?” Aster asked 

“What can I do?” Noah asked  

“I got it mate, your little bro is new it’s not like you all have the same classes just hang around campus and tell him you were in class. Your already living in one of the for just tell him that its yours. At lest until you can move or something” he aid

“Aster your a genius” Noah said 

“No I just choose to use my brain” he said Noah then grumbled and raised his ring finger at Aster.

“Wait a second your brother is old enough to be in college why do you call him your baby brother?” Aster asked

“you’ll find out soon” he said 

The next day Noah stood inside the airport, waiting for his brother to take him to the university. Then the doors opened and stepping out was a small boy his lean body dragging his luggage he had auburn and emerald eyes. As soon as he spotted Noah he rushed over to him putting his arms around him giveng him a hug. "Hey thootless you came to pick me up". Noha then blushed at his little brother action he almost forgot another thing he now had to deal with, now that his brothers here. "Hehe yha course I did didn't want to miss my lil brothers first day in college" His feelings twords the little brunnet that are far from just brotherly love. Hes has alwayse felt more twords hiccup and always had to hide it.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2014 ⏰

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