CroJohn: Homestuck

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"Come on, Cronus. Really? Is this really necessary?" The shorter male asks his matesprite. His matesprite chuckles lowly, not responding. John Egbert sighs and goes back to quietly ignoring him, watching his action movie. After a few minutes, Cronus laughs in triumph. 

"I did it! I havwe made you the best wigglingday present evwer!" The violet blood says loudly. John rolls his eyes and turns back around in his chair to look over at him. 

"Oh yeah? And what is it then?" He moved to stand up and walk over to the seadweller, his arms crossed.

Cronus shakes his head and hides the present behind his back. "Nuh-huh. You'll get it later, after you get back from your bro-day wvith Strider." Cronus leans forward to press a kiss to John's forehead. "Speaking of wvhich, he should be here soon."

As if by magic, there was a loud knock on the door. "Egderp, come on! We gotta catch this movie. If we're late, you're paying for everything." 

John sighs and nods, kissing Cronus' cheek and going to pull his shoes on. "Fine. I'll be back in a few hours. Don't burn the house down." He moves towards the door, before stopping dramatically and turning to look at Cro, his glasses doing the glasses flair thing. "And no. Fucking. Cake." With that, he leaves with Dave. 

Cronus holds his smile for a second, before starting to freak out. "No cake? Than what am I supposed to make him? Pie? Isn't that something humans like?" He sets the present he made John, a simple seashell necklace, on the dinning room table and goes in search for a cook book.

After searching for a half an hour for something- anything- to make John, Cronus caves and reaches for his phone. 

"Roxy? No, she'll probably show up drunk. Jane? Nope, she'll make cake. Rose and Jade might actually help." He first texts Rose over Pesterchum.

Another half an hour later, Cronus, Rose, and Jade stood in the kitchen, admiring their handy work. Cronus taped blue balloons all over the kitchen, along with other blue decorations. Rose made a couple of batches of cookies for the guests, along with some healthier choices for John. Jade tried to help, by bring blue and white flowers to arrange in vases, but she ended up falling asleep while sorting them.

Cronus checks his watch. "They should be here in twventy minutes. Wvhere is evweryone else?" 

"Maybe traffic? Or maybe you forgot to invite people?" Rose raises an eyebrow in questions. "I wouldn't put it below you. Are we forgetting Meenah's birthday?" 

"No, I knowv I invwited people." He checks his phone again before gently waking Jade up.

Another ten minutes of straighten things up, the guests started showing up. Some of them, like Aradia and Tavros brought other snacks and Roxy brought liquor. While they were setting up the new food and the presents, Dave sent Cronus the get ready text.

"Alright! Evweryone! They'll be here in fivwe minutes. Go find your hiding spots." There were unspoken discussions of were everyone would hide. Just as the last person, Mituna, found a hiding spot, the front door opened. 

"Cronus? You home?" John calls out, stepping farther into the house. Once he hit the middle of the room, a chorus of 'Surprise! Happy Birthday/Wigglingday!' could be heard, scaring the short male. After he caught his breath, he looks around at everyone, smiling and thanking them.

Cronus makes his way through the crowd up to John. He lays the necklace over John's head and around his neck. Lastly, he leans down and kisses John softly.

When they pull away, both of them smile.

"Happy Wigglingday, John. Flushed for you." Cronus whispers in his ear.

"Flushed for you too, Ampora."

((A/N: HAPPY EARLY 4/13!!))

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2019 ⏰

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