A Bad Dream

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A Bad Dream

That all it seemed to be right? Hermione Granger could't be dead. It just didn't seem right. Plus The Daily Profit was always writing crazy articles. So this couldn't be true, not all true...right?

My older sister Elizabeth walked into the kitchen room. "What are you reading, Oliver?" She asked me and raised one brown eyebrow. 

I was tempted to throw the newspaper at her face, for Elizabeth was acting oh so clueless. How could she give me that smile, when Hermione Granger was dead, gone, MURDERED!? She opened the fridge and pulled out half-eaten pancakes from yesterday's morning. and sat them done at the table. "Want any?" She asked, politely. 

Now it was my turn to give her an odd look."How am I supposed to eat, when the greatest minds of all time is D-E-A-D?" I said, talking to her like she was a preschooler, incapable of understanding words..

"What are you talking about?" She said. I handed her the newspaper, and she opened her mouth to read the dreadful words.


By Rita Skeeter,

29 year old activist, former Minster Of Magic, former Deputy Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement and the regulation and control of magical creatures, and much more, Hermione Granger - Weasley was found dead outside fellow friend and hero Harry Potter's house. 

Nobody needs an autopsy (it's a muggle thing) to find out how she was killed. Turns out is was by the unspeakable killing curse. We tried to talk with her husband Ron Weasley about this horrible tragedy, but he refused.

One of her close friends (who would like to remain anonymous) told us, "Hermione was such a great person. She did so many great things, and was on her way to doing more."

Our source took a deep breath and started to cry. She then wiped away her tears, and started to speak again. "And if any of you ...reporters try to her death into some sort of..scandal, then you should be quite ash-."

That was all she could tell us, before her husband pulled her away. Her funeral is scheduled Friday July 29th. We hope that her murder is brought to justice.

"Wait...what?" Elizabeth said. I nodded sadly. I wish I could have met her before she died. She was my role model. I look up to her so much.

"I know right. She deserves so much better." I said. I stared back at the newspaper article, the front page decorated with photos of Hermione, that looked at lot like the walls of my closet.. Elizabeth got up from her chair and put her hand on my back.

"I hate to break it up to you, but you have to say deserved instead of deserves.." My sister said. I gave her, what my father calls the death stare. She put her hands up in defense, as if I was going to arrest her. 

"Can you go? I need to some alone time." I said. She nodded, and then shrugged. "Whatever you say, bro."

She sighed, and then walked out. My stomach felt like the time me and my girlfriend Dani sneaked out to get food from the kitchen, and Professor Mcgonagall caught us. All of a sudden, my sister walked back into the kitchen. 

"Oops, forgot the pancakes," She said "Sorry I interrupted your period of mourning." She hung her head low in shame. I laughed. Even if Hermione Granger died, at least I still had my sister, my dad, and my mom. I felt bad for Hermione's family. They couldn't see her ever again..

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