Sleepover Wars!

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At school, everyone was waiting for class to start when their blonde headed friend came running in towards them "Guys! Guess what!" Said Joey, everyone just looked at him in confusion "Um, what happened Joey?" asked Yugi, one of Joeys best friends "I finally did it! I finally got my own place!" Everyone cheered for Joey as he smiled with pride "Thats awesome Joey! We can finally have somewheres to crash once in a while and party!" Tristan laughed and was soon hit on the head with a book by Tea "Ow! Hey what was that for?!"  "Don't be such an idiot Tristan, Joey just got a new place and you already want to ruin it with your dumb ideas?" "Tristan buddy thats a great idea!" Exclaimed Joey, Tea sighed in disappointment  "I guess dumb minds think alike..."

Joey wasn't going to throw an all out party though, he knew that would be wreck less for a new place, so he had thought of something more simple "Well how about instead of a party we men just get together and have a guys night at my place!" Tristan nodded in approval "Now thats what Im talking about! Ill bring some snacks and video games!" Duke and Bakura had finally arrived at that moment "Whats going on here guys?" "Joeys throwing a sleepover this weekend, wanna join? Its guys only" Joey saw how Tea was just watching everything unfold "Sorry Tea, its a guys night only" she chuckled "I dont mind, I was gonna have Mai and Marik come over to may place this weekend anyways" Yugi noticed someone was missing "What about Ishizu?" "Oh shes gonna be with Kaiba in Egypt, she had a small accident and was told to go back for awhile" Joey shivered "I dont wanna be in her shoes...yikes" "Yeah, well at least Kaiba wont be stepping on our toes for the time being"
After they all sat down, the guys were talking about how they would spend the weekend at Joeys, but Tea noticed that Yugi was looking out the window, these idiots didnt even invite him. She had decided to go a step further from Joey and make sure Yugi wasn't forgotten, "Yugi, why so blue? Are you okay?" He looked up to her, she knew his secret about his crush for Joey, he must have been hurt. "He'll never notice me Tea, he didnt even care to invite me to his place with the others, Id just be a burden to him" "Hey now, dont say that. He's an airhead after all, it takes showing him a needle to get his attention.Say, follow my lead!" Yugi was wondering what she meant by that last part and saw her as she acted as if she was sharpening her pencil and called out to Yugi infront of Joey "Hey Yugi, do you wanna come over to my place this weekend? Im sure we'll have fun!" She smiled at him, Yugi saw where it was going and followed "Sure Tea, Ill be happy to go!" Joey heard this clearly and was baffled "Yug! You were supposed to go to my sleepov...I mean guys night!" "Oh, sorry Joey, I didn't know you wanted me there that much. Tea was nice enough to invite me" Yugi smiled nervously.

Yugi has carried a weight of feelings over the brooklyn blonde for a very long time, but it just hasn't seemed to be going anywhere. He felt like he didn't have a chance with Joey, but he knows that there is a slight possibility. It would just take a little longer than he thought.

Joey, looking embarrased didn't remember to appropriately inivite Yugi to his meet up, he felt bad but Tristan spoke up "Tea, hes a guy! He needs to hang out with guys like us, not girls!" Duke had to intervine "I don't mind hanging out with the girls, so long as theres pillow fights involved" he winked at Tea, but she gave him a blank stare "Please stay away from my house" Joey saw Yugi laughing and couldn't help but feel the whole purpose of this weekend would just go to waste.


The weekend arrived and it was time for the guys to head over to Joeys and the girls along with Marik and Yugi to go to Teas. Joey was able to catch up to Yugi to try and convince him one last time "Hey Yug, wait up a second" Yugi turned around "Hey Joey, whats going on?" "Are ya sure theres nothing I can do to change your mind? Im sure there is! I really want you to come with us" "Well...Im sorry Joey, but I cant just ditch Tea like that, maybe I can stop by for a while some other time?" Seeing how useless changing his mind would be, he decided lo let this go for now and figure out a new plan once he got to his house.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Dec 27, 2019 ⏰

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Sleepover Wars! (Joey x Yugi Oneshot)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang