The rabbit and the unicorn

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   One windy day, while I was walking down an old abandoned street. To get away from mike, my boyfriend, I heard some thumps. I had walked over to see what it was. There I saw a rabbit but not a normal one. It was a black bunny with red fur like socks on its feet. There was also the slightest red tip on each ear. It had bright yellow eye.

I felt as though I should have been scared, but I wasn't. The fact was I felt somehow connected to this cute little bunny. So I crouched down and held out my hands. "Hello little rabbit would you like to come home with me?" I waited a second, as if I expected it to talk  back to me. It didn't speak back of course, but as if it knew what I was saying it twitched it's little nose and jumped right into my arms.

I decided to walk to the nearest store to get some things for the little bunny like some carrots, feed, and a little bedding for it. After I got to the store and was about to check out, the clerk took one look at the rabbit and started to scream. The little bunny in my arms got scared. So I did the only thing I could think of I reached over and grabbed her by her shirt, "if you don't stop right now, I'll punch the perfectly straight nose of yours. Now check me out so I can leave you bimbo." She immediately started swiping my items. I paid for them and walked out.

"Sorry about that little rabbit I won't let anyone hurt you." The bunny nodded its head but that could've been my imagination. I walked us to my car where me and mike had be fighting and I had decided to take a walk.

I put the rabbit in the passenger seat and walked around to the other side to get in. I grabbed some jelly beans I always kept in my car. Then started the car and drove home.

As I pulled up I took a glance at my other cars the I barely drove anymore. I shrugged it off I only wanted one car anyways. I grabbed the bunny and the items I had bought. I walked into the house and went to the spare bedroom and laid the bedding on and actual bed. I got a dripper bottle and connected it to the dresser, then I laid a carrot on a plate beside the water.

I sat the rabbit on the bed and rubbed his ears. "It's nice to have a friend again." I smiles down at the sleeping bunny. I decided to let him sleep and go downstairs. As I got to the last few steps my stomach started to growl. So I decided to order pizza.

When the pizza got here it was cold. I gave him a tip anyways we are a long ways from the pizza shop so it was understandable. I took the pizza to heat it up in the microwave. After it was done, I walked back upstairs, but this time to my room. I laid on my bed and grabbed the remote to flip the tv on.

As the tv came on I took a bite of pizza, but what do you know my ex boyfriend mike was on the new. He looked very badly beat up. What the worst part about it was, he was saying a unicorn beat him up.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2019 ⏰

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